Our brain has the capability to filter out or ignore sensory input. For example, when we get dressed we are initially aware of the ‘feel’ of our clothes but then our brain will ‘filter’ out those sensations for the rest…
Read MoreYou want me to do WHAT? An enema washes out the rectum and lower colon.An enema is a lower colon wash. Like a nasal or sinus wash using a Neti pot, an enema is washing out the lower part of…
Read MoreBathing in mineral salts has a long history of therapeutic use. Baths are extremely effective for removing toxins and soaking away aches and pains. It is now understood that its beneficial action is both chemical and electrical. Chemically there is…
Read MoreTraveling to foreign countries can earn some unpleasant GI problems such as Delhi Belly or Montezuma’s Revenge. However, it is very difficult to avoid contact with the water as even salads and fresh fruits and vegetables are washed with it. …
Read MoreThere are many reasons for constipation. To begin to reverse this condition, the colon must be relaxed and opened. Moving material through and out the bowel is like moving a golf ball through a sock. The sock cannot be constricted…
Read More(for chemically, emotionally or otherwise damaged livers) Let’s cut to the chase – If your liver is healthy your ability to develop a serious disease is impaired. Good, right? The Chinese have observed this and taught this in their traditional…
Read MoreImportant to Know Sinus problems originate elsewhere, usually with overloaded lymph due to stress or poor digestion. The interventions mentioned here give relief but visit the stress, open the exits and digestive posts to address the underlying cause. A simple aide that works WITH the body in resolving…
Read MoreWe have this Divine hint that ‘the life of the flesh [is] in the blood. Lev 17:11 ’. This is a HUGE clue to preserving and continuing life. Get blood there!! It can rectify all pathology. Any tissue suffering from the…
Read MoreHave you ever been pushed into a corner to do something you really didn’t want to do – not because it was bad but because …you just didn’t know whether you should ‘go there’ or not? In some of my…
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