Kidney and Bladder

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I have learned more from very sick people than I have from double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies. My sick clients taught me how to get them well - things that even my teachers didn't know. I have such smart clients.

Health Parameters Research

** Important Warning **

Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. So if the required warnings have not scared you away, then you have a chance. I'm reporting here what kinds of approaches actually helped very sick people get well, AND the kinds of things that actually made them sick (and it usually isn't lack of exercise, weight, menopause or smoking - it is the underlying cause of all those things.)

In case you were wondering..

B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, b=bedtime. Make sure to read What to Expect on an Herbal Program (in the Herb menu) before beginning. Dosages given are about what my clients benefit from. You may be different. Begin slowly and see how each recommendation benefits you.

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  1. George almaarri on April 11, 2015 at 2:02 am

    I have water bubles on the kidney dr told this is due to age nothing can be done what can i do
    Best regds

    • PatBlockND on April 16, 2015 at 5:12 am

      Hey George,
      The appearance AND composition of the urine has as much to do with the liver as it does the kidney. When sick people report various kidney symptoms or diagnoses, they seem to respond the most to liver formulas, so you may want to consider doing the Gentle Liver Cleanse.

  2. Estella on May 27, 2015 at 5:24 am

    Very informative. I’m kind of confused as which to do in my case. I have started measuring volume, logging color and frequency of urination. I will drink maybe 32 ounces per day, but I am urinating alot more everyday. I will go 3-6 times per night, and 14 times during the day with anywhere from 2oz-8oz each time. No pain. I am 32 year old female, 148 lbs, no other health conditions except for starting to dehydrate. Have been tested for pregnancy, diabetes mellitus and insipidus. I have been to several MD’s, but they can’t find anything. Looking toward natural path.

    • PatBlockND on May 31, 2015 at 3:18 am

      Yes Estella,
      First, likely some of the ‘extra’ water that you are not measuring is coming from the food you eat. Many fruits/veggies are more than 70% water. Second, you didn’t mention blood tests of sodium and potassium levels. Were they normal?
      Third, to me it sounds like a regulation issue, that is, the organs designed to regulate the fluids in your body are not functioning as designed. This responsibility generally falls to the adrenals. For a first course of support I would consider conc. Chinese HY-C 2B, 2D and reduce with symptoms. This is a Chinese hydration formula. (The concentrated formula has 30 caps in it) If this does not completely resolve the issue, you may want to make an appointment.

  3. bran on August 16, 2015 at 9:11 am

    Hi I actually have been having weird symptoms and a lot of pain and the doctors just dont help. I have a tugging pulling kind of pain/discomfort in my chest and left arm and it feels a bit better if I drink tons of water but it gets worse if I take any kind of medication. Have a DVT so I’m on warfarin but they just cannot figure out how I got it in the first place. I’ve read online if the kidneys aren’t functioning properly they can cause problems with the blood and liver i’m just not sure if this pain I’ve been feeling is from my kidneys any ideas?

    • PatBlockND on August 19, 2015 at 8:41 am

      Hey Bran,
      For your symptoms I would consider doing a consult as much more info is needed to make any suggestions.

  4. Brenda on November 6, 2015 at 10:32 am

    Thank you for your response, Pat. I wish I had read it before making myself a cup of dandelion tea this morning which almost resulted in the same thing! It was just that all websites I visit tell me I need a diuretic when my kidneys are not functioning correctly when, as you say, it’s the last thing my body needs!

    Bless you for all the wonderful research you do. I’m now off to hydrate!

  5. Brenda on December 2, 2015 at 4:18 am

    Bless you for having such a truly informative website. I’m about to unsubscribe from all health newsletters I get and study every inch of yours because I can now understand the bubbles under my eyes, my crooked index fingers, and prune-like fingertips which I’ve not seen mentioned elsewhere.

    I found your website, Pat, whilst trying to understand something really frightening that I experienced recently which I’d never seen before (or even heard of) and am wondering if you have? I will submit it anyway for your information and records.

    I’m 72 and have had low functioning kidneys for many years which I believe was due to working in the hot desert for four years when in my 30’s, not drinking much water or taking the salt pills recommended. I dehydrate in an instant if I suffer any kind of emotional distress – which includes small, unimportant things like preparing to pack bags to stay with my sister overnight – and my muscles feel in a constant state of tension. Yes, it’s crazy!

    I discovered on YouTube a kidney cleansing drink where I had to boil flat leaf parsley for 10 minutes, strain, and then drink when cool. I drank half a wineglass full of this concoction the other evening and hate to imagine what would have happened to me had I drunk a pint of this stuff. I noticed my eyes were much drier and I had a peculiar feeling throughout my body. The next morning I watered the parsley drink down by half and took a few sips. A little later I noticed that the palm and fingers of my left hand had changed colour to pure white. Not only that, the skin was totally dry and coarse, much like I’d imagine the skin of a dead snake, and it had lifted from the flesh below!!! My hand was back to normal within about half an hour but it was clear my body (or my kidneys) didn’t appreciate the parsley tea one little bit!

    Have you ever seen/heard of this before? And why the left hand only? With your knowledge of TCM I’m hoping there is an answer.

    With many thanks and gratitude for your wonderful website. I know that you are helping so many.

    Brenda (UK)

    • Brenda on December 2, 2015 at 5:18 am

      P.S. I’m not on any pharmaceutical drugs so there was no interaction.

  6. Brenda on December 3, 2015 at 11:03 am

    UPDATE: I’ve consulted a herbal medicine book and see that I made far too strong a concoction of the parsley tea. Instead of the recommended spoon or so of the parsley, I used a huge bunch of it to around half a pint of water! It’s little wonder my body reacted so badly and I’m hoping I haven’t done any more damage. A lesson has been learned not to necessarily take what we see on YouTube as always safe and to stick to trusted websites like this one. 🙂

    • PatBlockND on December 4, 2015 at 7:38 am

      Hello Brenda,
      Thanks for your kind words.
      For the symptoms you describe, I would not think of parsley as a good choice – it’s kinda drying. It may have been too strong, but, it was also not the right direction to go. You would do much better with Marshmallow Root, and possibly the Chinese hydration formula, HY-C.
      ‘Cleansing/detoxing’ is a hot topic in natural health circles but about 50% of the time it is the wrong approach. If you nourish and build the body or organ up, it will cleanse/detox itself – at the right time and at a safe pace.

  7. Orla on January 4, 2016 at 6:06 am

    hello great info 🙂
    Thank you ,
    I have developed under eye bags one year ago .can you please give some advice which herb would work ,,I am also cleaning my diet so it wont be in vain correcting this problem ?
    Thanks a mill

    • PatBlockND on January 7, 2016 at 9:01 am

      Hey Orla,
      Do you have other indicators of urinary dysfunction?
      Although swellings are usually associated with kidney/bladder, I have found that when swelling occurs around the eyes, there is liver involvement – generally the liver gets sluggish and water logged and that shows up around the eyes. See if the liver document describes your state of being better than this document.

      • EFH on January 21, 2016 at 3:28 am

        Hi Pat! I am new to your site. My partner has been diagnosed with CKD Stage 3. We are looking for ways to help the kidneys not get any worse and even get better possibly. Can you help?

        Thank you,

        • PatBlockND on January 27, 2016 at 2:36 am

          Hello EFH,
          The best is to get the body’s correcting and healing mechanisms active. So you don’t waste a lot of time and money trying various ‘gunshot’ approaches, I recommend doing a phone or email consult. Download the form and fax it to me, or if you are local, make an office visit.

          • Unknown on February 24, 2016 at 12:12 pm

            I think you’re misleading people with medical advice and offering those who actually need to see a doctor WITH a PhD! It’s one thing to offer your opinion but you are actually giving medical advice in your replies. Very misleading and I hope people realize that you are not a doctor

          • PatBlockND on February 26, 2016 at 10:20 am

            Hey ‘Unknown’
            On every page there is a notification in the side bar. See it? My Bio is found under the About tab and more explanation is given in the Client info tab. No attempt to hide anything here, Mr ‘Unknown’.
            And the reason people are here is because they have suffered from the advice of medical doctors.

          • Diane J. Glgoner on July 30, 2020 at 8:41 am

            Right On! Pat; your information has helped me in so may ways! Attending Physcian will check for symptoms that your info resolved. He is dumbfounded. Keep On! And thank you. Thank you for the info about the VIRUS Video from EYE ALERT from info. from Italy. NOT A VIRUS!
            EYE ALERT Video Italy finding from autopsy Corona NOT A VIRUS A Bacteria WHO purposely LIED Purpose to Kill People Promoting vaccine designed to kill !

  8. Dr Sachin Dalal on April 5, 2016 at 9:45 am

    How to decrease creatinine level naturally

    • PatBlockND on April 7, 2016 at 9:39 am

      Hello Sachin,
      In my experience most of the body’s chemistry goes back to liver function. I have worked with many people, for example, trying to avoid dialysis and it is usually liver formulas that correct the blood chemistry. Sometimes the liver is congested and sometimes it is of impaired or lowered function. The Gentle Liver Cleanse addresses both.

  9. Catrine on March 1, 2018 at 9:28 am

    Hi Pat, I am thinking I have a problem with my kidneys. I am 51 and since I was about 35 I have had puffy, water filled bags under my eyes which I noticed were worse if I ate salty food. I had started to notice my calves feeling swollen and tight especialy when kneeling. Over christmas I woke up and was so thirsty I couldnt hydrate myself. It took me all day to stop feeling thirsty. This happened twice and I was drinking alcohol. I also had a urine infection which I dont usually get o I took antibiotics. Since then my urine infection recurred within a week. i have been testing my urine and it has constant blood in it and quite acidic number 6. You cant see the blood but it comes up on the litmus stick. I am dehydrated and need to drink a lot. i am urinating more often. My legs and eyes are puffy and even worse if I eat somethiing salty. I have had blood tests that came back fine apart form cholesteral which is 6.5. I am going through menopause and a few years back woke up in a constant panick attack. i couldnt get myself out of it. Then I found natural progesterone and that sorted me out, but if Im in a stressful situation I dehhydrate and my mouth becomes dry. I will be seeing the doctor next week but was wondering if its ok to take a variety of products at the same time

    • PatBlockND on March 12, 2018 at 6:59 am

      Sorry for the delay. My website was hacked, then an update crashed it, and I wasn’t getting notifications of posts.
      Water accumulation is one sign of inflammation. To reduce inflammation in general, follow the Blood Type Diet.
      Swelling around the eyes is a sign of liver inflammation in particular so do the Gentle Liver Cleanse. Also, liver stagnation makes life hard for the kidneys but the underlying cause of eye manifestations is the liver.

  10. Renae Richard on December 10, 2019 at 1:19 am

    So. Here’s the deal. I have a “chronic” irritated urethra…used to be bladder area, but mainly is now lower. I always test with a tiny amount of blood in my urine, and ocassional UTI..once a year? I totally believe it is caused by stress, but ma be hormonal as well(I tried Yuvafem and that seemed to help..could have been placebo?). It comes and goes..and I honestly thought it was gone since I hadn’t had any pain in over a year..but it’s back. The only thing that works somewhat is a bland diet, which means no herbs that contain irritants..nothing spicy or lemons, etc… I am trying to handle the stress but need to calm this in the meantime. Eating bland also makes me sad. Lol! Any recommendations? I take magnesium, licorice root, milk thistle, vitamin d3/k2, probiotics, and a thyroid support supplement since I also have a goiter like mass below my neck.

    • PatBlockND on December 31, 2019 at 1:49 am

      Hello Renae,
      The first step in reducing irritation in the body is to follow the diet according to your blood type. This illuminates inflammatory foods which genetically your body doesn’t reduce without inflammation.
      Thyroid issues always come from the liver so I would recommend a liver formula like the concentrated Chinese liver balance. The liver is responsible for balancing the pH of your body. If you have to eat a bland diet that tells you your liver is not alkalizing your body.
      As far as stress is concerned I recommend nightly doing the emotional stress release.

  11. Jenny on November 20, 2020 at 12:15 pm

    Hi Pat, any thoughts on prolapses? Ive had 5 full term big babes and one small stillbirth and now 23 yrs from the first at 46 things arent staying where they should anymore. It affects bladder and uterus differently through my cycle. Im surprised I made it this long

    • PatBlockND on December 2, 2021 at 8:07 am

      I’ve edited the ab massage post to include the special case of prolapse.

  12. Stephanie Foley on December 1, 2021 at 9:59 am

    I wanted to thank Pat Block so very much. For over 5 years, I have had a serious prolapse. I have spent a lot of time and money on physical therapy. Pat Block’s suggestions of exercises and abdominal lifts have been the most helpful and shown the greatest results. God bless you greatly, Pat!

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