Natural House Decontamination
In Leviticus 13 & 14, we see God’s instruction to remove household items (like pots, fabrics or skin bags), and even portions of the house building materials that show evidence of mold growth. Most likely this instruction is to prevent the illnesses that molds can produce. Their colonizing agents (spores) contain chemicals that we inhale into the respiratory tract and are known to cause a variety of illnesses.
Inhaled mold spores can result in colonization of the sinus or respiratory track resulting in chronic sinus or respiratory infections, or simply chronic coughing. Other symptoms of mycotoxin exposure include nerve/brain inflammation such as numbness and tingling of the extremities, brain fog, ADD, short-term memory loss, brain cancer, etc. Common symptoms of toxic mold exposure include fatigue, skin rashes and splitting skin of the hands and feet. GI colonization can lead to various GI symptoms. These can be intermittent or chronic depending on exposure. In fact, you can put in the search bar of your browser “mold” and “your symptom” simultaneously to do your own research. God knew and warned His people.
Unlike the dwellings in Canaan, our modern houses are double-walled structures with enclosed HVAC ducting. Modern energy-efficient construction offers many hiding places for toxic bacteria and mold colonies, that shed spores to colonize and spread undetected. These growths can be very toxic, yet not visible to us.
At your appointment, if we found that you are ill-affected by your environment (and what exactly in your environment), here are some remediants that you may want to consider. [See disclaimer below]
But first, from experience I can tell you that before inspecting, or possibly disturbing infected environments, that it is very important to use respiratory protection. Something like this is advisable.
I have found and formulated two types of household decontaminants: the first is a probiotic solution comprised of beneficial bacteria and fungi that are introduced to reduce/compete with harmful microbial species, similarly to what probiotics do for our gut. This helps balance your home microbiome. The second is an essential oil solution whose ingredients are known to dissolve biofilms, kill bacteria & molds, and dispel mites.
Basic Probiotic Spray
To 1 cup of filtered water in a spray bottle add 2 teaspoons of this probiotic bath cleaner and 1/4 capsule of the Gogosatis probiotic. (This recipe can be doubled, etc. for treating large areas, in which you may want to consider a pump sprayer.) Shake well and dampen the infected area. Use the solution within four hours. Leave area undisturbed for about a day for beneficial colonization to begin. The time that it takes for colonization to mature varies.
Locations for the probiotic applications may include intake vents for HVACs (where the filter is located), toilet tanks, and inside of their lids, under sinks, and shower stalls where mold tends to grow. Also, any rugs that have been wet or shampooed are sites for bacterial and fungal growth since the back fabric of the rug may not have completely dried out quickly enough to prevent growth. Repeated shampooing feeds these the moisture they need to continue growing. For this reason, one teaspoon of the probiotic bath cleaner by itself can be added to the rinse water of rug shampooer going forward. Other fortuitous targets of probiotic application include any fabrics, including fabric wall hangings, upholstery, and dried/silk flower arrangements. Also consider exhaust vents found above the stove and in bathrooms, which exhaust humid air, and likely remain damp for enough time to stimulate repeated untoward growth. These colonies may be small initially, but with repeated contact with moisture, they take the opportunity to continue growth. As the humidity in our houses fluctuate, so does the opportunity for mold and bacterial growth to advance. The older the site is, the more likely it will need treatment. (Some might object that with this spray we are adding more moisture to these environments, but the moisture is needed to allow the competitors to grow and colonize the site.)
Basic Essential Oil (EO) Spray
To 1 cup of filtered water in a spray bottle add 1.5 dropperfuls of this Cedarwood essential oil, for mold, half dropperful of this grapefruit essential oil, for mites, 10 drops of the peppermint eucalyptus essential oil blend and 1/4 teaspoon of Eucalyptus Castile soap (to emulsify the mixture). Shake well and use within four hours. This is because the high notes in the essential oils evaporate more quickly and may be needed to kill/inhibit or inactivate untoward populations.
Targets for this EO application would be HVAC exhaust vents (where air enters the rooms), behind kitchen counters, under and behind the refrigerator and oven, along baseboards, any unfinished or rough surfaces of wood furniture (underneath and behind), especially antiques, old stuffed upholstery items (cushions) and tapestries.
Because cars are exposed to many moisture variations and have their own ventilation they are commonly a source of mold growth, thus, mycotoxins. Dampen all the rugs especially up under the dashboard with the Basic Probiotic Spray, and any fabrics in the car. Remove the cabin air filter and treat the new replacement filter with the Basic Probiotic Spray.
The vents through which air enters the cabin (cabin vents and defroster vents) can be sprayed with the Basic EO Spray.
The older the car, the more important is this treatment.
Clothes or other fabric items that have been stored in a suspected moldy environment and need to be saved can be washed with the normal detergent along with 1.5 dropperfuls of Cedarwood essential oil, Allow the washer to mix in the essential oil and then allow to soak for 24 hours before going through the complete washing/rinsing cycles. Front loading washers are apparently mold breeders.
When the washer load is finished, make up a spray bottle of the Basic Probiotic Spray above, and spray items lightly before putting them in the dryer. The dryer temperature should be moderate. This way if items don’t get completely dry, they have beneficial colonizers in them.
Personal Remedies
If you are suffering from mold exposure or colonization (esp resulting in chronic respiratory issues), this formula is helpful. To reduce vulnerability to these exposures, this formula is helpful.
However, the relief these offer may be temporary if exposure continues.
Disclaimer: I am an Amazon Associate and by purchasing from these links above a small commission is generated (~1%). This does not impact the price you are paying. If you are uncomfortable with the seller on Amazon, I’d advise purchasing it directly from the manufacturer being careful to purchase the exact item that I linked to on Amazon.
Consider this…..
I have learned more from very sick people than I have from double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies. My sick clients taught me how to get them well - things that even my teachers didn't know. I have such smart clients.
** Important Warning **
Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. So if the required warnings have not scared you away, then you have a chance. I'm reporting here what kinds of approaches actually helped very sick people get well, AND the kinds of things that actually made them sick (and it usually isn't lack of exercise, weight, menopause or smoking - it is the underlying cause of all those things.)
** Important Posts **
► I Went to the Doctor and the Doctor Said…
► THE Technical Info on the Herbs
► Uh oh, what was I supposed to do when I think I’m getting sick?
► Fatigue: The Mother of All Disease
► Childhood Disorders (ADHD, Behavior Disorders, etc.)
► Of Drugs, OTCs and Black Electrical Tape
► Pat’s book – Spiritual Disciplines for Physical and Emotional Healing
In case you were wondering..
B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, b=bedtime. Make sure to read What to Expect on an Herbal Program (in the Herb menu) before beginning. Dosages given are about what my clients benefit from. You may be different. Begin slowly and see how each recommendation benefits you.
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