Bach Flower Characteristics


Experience: Seeks to disguise anxiety by appearing cheerful and uncomplaining - tend to deny/hide their emotional pain

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  • They like to live in peace, discord causes mental strain
  • They will do much for "the sake of peace" and they avoid confrontation
  • They display cheerful attitudes, while tormented in mind and body
  • They hide their despair with humor and avoid burdening others with their troubles
  • They seek peace and become upset when they cannot control their circumstances
  • They are distressed by argument or quarrel and may seek alleviate pain and worry through the use of alcohol or drugs

Some Physical Indications:

  •  They resort to alcohol/drugs/food/activity to anesthetize emotional pain/stress
  • They will not recognize or face their problems but will turn to joking or humor
  • They will seek to avoid arguments and quarrels
  • They often suffer from insomnia, addictions, yo-yo dieting, or eating disorders

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  • Emotional honesty - able to perceive/deal/work with emotional pain.
  • They learn to trust and accept others
  • They become optimistic and are able to put their problems into proportion
  • They have genuine inner joy and peace
  • They gain the ability to laugh at themselves rather than divert attention through humor


Agrimony is beneficial to those who are oversensitive and seek to hide this sensitivity by entertaining others or escaping from problems.


I accept myself as I am. I am honest with myself. I allow others to see who I really am. I accept and respond creatively to conflict.


Experience: Vague fears, apprehension, anxiety without a known cause

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Fear of the unknown, which is vague and seems to have no explanation
  • Fear which exists only in the mind and seems groundless to others
  • Fear which is manifest as apprehensiveness about the future
  • Fear of telling of problems to others
  • Fear of death, darkness, of sleeping which may create a bad dream

Some Physical Indications:

Headaches, tiredness from lack of sound sleep, anxiety attacks with sweating, trembling or goose-bumps, sudden weakness, sleep walking or talking in sleep, panic, paranoias, superstitions

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Stimulates faith and desire for adventure
  • Stimulates joy
  • Stimulates love


 Aspen is beneficial to those who will tell you they worry and yet they don’t know why they worry. They often will share that they are concerned if God loves them or that they are sinners and fear eternity.


  • Fear knocked at the door, Faith answered the door and no one was there.
  • God has given to every man a measure of faith Rom 12:3
  • The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Dan 11:32
  •  I am filled with courage and inner strength. I am open to life’s experiences.


Experience: Difficulty understanding the shortcomings of others which leads to intolerance

 Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  A critical attitude toward others and fault-finding due to blocked personal feelings
  • May appear patient and calm but is often seething with irritation inside
  • Chronic complaining and intolerance
  • Hard taskmaster, hard on self, a fault-finder, a perfectionist
  • Able to see negative in situation while unable to see the positive
  • Difficulty appreciating the views of others and wants everyone to agree with him
  • Generally has a low self esteem

 Physical Indications:

This person is a strong willed individual who creates stress for himself and others. Stress may lead to headaches, over acid conditions in the body, indigestion, ulcers, MS and arthritis. These people tend to have tense, rigid posture and are oversensitive to their social and physical environment. Allergies.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Promotes tolerance of others
  • Promotes sympathy for others
  • Promotes a positive mental attitude
  • Promotes an ability to see one’s self in correct perspective


Beech is beneficial to those who have been isolated because of their negative, critical and selfish attitudes displayed toward others. Selfishness and intolerance give way to a giving and tolerant lifestyle.


 I accept differences in the ways of others. I release the feelings of judgment. I see the goodness within others. I create well being in any environment or situation. I forgive others as I forgive myself.


Experience: Over-sensitivity causes one to be very compliant to others and anxious to please and not to let anyone down

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  They cannot say ‘no’ to anyone and may be easily exploited or dominated by others
  • They easily give in rather than stand up for their own feelings
  • They find strength in others rather than in themselves
  • May be 'led astray' by desire to please others
  • May be involved in abusive relationships
  • May have a poor definition of themselves and what they will stand for
  • Tend to neglect their own needs

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Tend to have back problems, spleen problems
  • Tend to sit stooped, are pale and tired
  • Tend to have rings under the eyes

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Gives them the ability to choose their own fate
  • Gives the ability to say ‘no’ to others
  • Develops own personality and own individuality


Centaury is beneficial to those who have a doormat personality and live in a compliant state of activity. They are oversensitive to others and easily give in to others wishes.


I serve others by being true to myself. I share from my inner strength.


Experience: Uncertainty or distrust in one’s own ability or judgement

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Lack of confidence in decisions even after studying the issue thoroughly
  • Uncertainty which causes them to constantly be asking the advice of others
  • Confusion due to uncertainty, which makes the simple, complicated
  • Weak sense of self identity
  • They constantly seek the advice of others and may be easily misguided
  • Seeks approval of others
  • Excessive talking exhibiting doubt and indecision and asking more advice

Some Physical Indications:

Poor concentration, excessive talking

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  • Restores self confidence
  • Relies more on common sense than the opinions of others


Cerato is beneficial to those who distrust their own ability, lack ability to make decisions and constantly are seeking the advice of others


I confidently follow what I know to be right for me. I am open to advice which is appropriate for me.


Cherry Plum

Experience: Fear of loosing mental and/or physical control due to sustained or extreme stress

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  • Close to having a nervous/mental/emotional breakdown
  • Fear of doing dreadful things like abusing self or others
  • Fear of loosing control - from desperation - impulsiveness, compulsiveness
  • Fear of insanity or suicide
  • Uncontrolled rages, tantrums or other expressions of anger
  • Feels like time is running out to find an answer to current problems

Some Physical Indications:

Staring eyes, obsessive nervous talking or questioning, desperation, deep depression, temper tantrums, delusions

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

Stimulates quiet courage in the presence of mental strain. Stimulates knowledge that things will work out. Stimulates awareness of spiritual resources.


  • Cherry Plumb is beneficial to those who have lost control in their lives and fear the consequences.
  • These are the symptoms or feelings experienced by prisoners of war.
  • Useful for one trying to overcome alcohol abuse.


  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  • I remain balanced under extreme stress.

Chestnut Bud

Experience: Inability to learn from experience, repeating same mistakes

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Ignores advice or life experiences of others
  • Indifferent to learning from life's experiences
  • Forgets unpleasant experiences quickly
  • Rushes into new experiences hoping they will be different from old
  • Does not take advantage of history but is doomed to repeat mistakes
  • Strong willed person who is inflexible with a strong mind set
  • Circumstances tend to repeat themselves – different day, same stuff

Some Physical Indications:

They are slow to learn and slow to observe, sometimes awkward and inattentive. They may be of the happy – go-lucky type; however, nothing ever changes for them as they continually make the same bad choices. They believe their perspective of life suits them well and there is no need to change it.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  • Frequent examination of circumstances with a view to improvement
  • Life becomes linear and the cyclical pattern of mistakes is interrupted
  • Has ability to be an observer of life not just a participant – gets the big picture.


Chestnut Bud is beneficial to those doomed to repeat the same mistake due to a strong will and ability to see the game of life as a spectator and learn from the mistakes of themselves and others.


I learn the lessons of my life experience. After careful examination I adopt a new way of thinking. I learn from my careful observations of life.


Experience: Over-caring, possessive, over-protective, egotistical and demand attention - the 'control freak'

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  • Constantly correcting others or directing their affairs
  • Their motto "You'll like this even if it kills you"
  • Tend to be selfish (self-love) " I'll love you if..."
  • Bossy, manipulative, uses emotional blackmail, get attention by negative behavior
  • Tendency to fuss and be over-protective and produce co-dependence
  • Seeks attention, happiest when they feel needed
  • Over-caring - easily hurt or rejected, ‘no one appreciates me’
  • Exaggerates personal miseries and may use illness get their own way
  • Difficulty forgiving others and forgetting past hurts

Some Physical Indications:

These individuals suffer from congestion and congestive type headaches, sinus problems and colds.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  • Helps to ‘let go’ and love without demanding love and attention in return.
  • Helps develop a warm caring attitude toward people desiring to serve rather than be served.
  • Helps forgive and overlook the negative characteristics of others.
  • Helps give without expecting something in return.
  • Helps provide a sense of mothering which gives security to others.


Chicory is beneficial to those who, in order to get attention or make themselves needed in the lives of others, resort to over-caring about other individuals.


I respect the individuality of others. I am sensitive in my sharing with others. I love others for the sake of love itself. I give without expecting something in return.


Experience: Absentminded, inattentive, scattered, apathetic and indifferent

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  • They are often creative, artistic, but gift goes unused, they ignore their creativity
  • They tend to live in the future, love to fantasize (tend to mental escapism)
  • They are daydreamers and spacey, often oblivious to what is going on around them
  • They are absent minded and/or lack concentration, poor memory, forgets details
  • They are preoccupied with their own imagination
  • They have little or no interest in their present circumstances, unfocused

Some Physical Indications:

Desire to sleep, pale, slow to move, prone to numbness, lack ability to concentrate or focus, when they are sick they make no effort to get well. Poor circulation, faints easily, may have visual or hearing problems, lack vitality.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  • Stimulates alertness and focus
  • Stimulates interest in surroundings
  • Stimulates creative potential


Clematis is beneficial to those who seem to have their mental energy exhausted and have replaced action with apathy. They desire to withdraw from the world in mind and activity.


I am free to focus on my present circumstance. I am inspired to create a practical realization of my ideals.

Crab Apple

Experience: Self-disgusted, self-condemning, feel unclean about themselves or have fear of being contaminated

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  They have feelings of shame and uncleanness or of being soiled (from sexual abuse)
  • May have poor self image due to feeling unattractive or unclean (OCD)
  • Feel a lack of spirituality or lack of purity (feels dirty, sinful or unclean)
  • May have compulsion to cleanse self and surroundings of filth
  • Feels surroundings are filled with germs and bacteria
  • Tends to perfectionism, focuses on details, whips self to do details just right
  • Despondent due to feelings of disorganization in life

Some Physical Indications:

Individuals may be overweight, experience skin conditions, or physical characteristics which are overemphasized in the mind of the individual, as well as have digestive problems such as burping, belching and gas. Tend to avoid physical contact. Tendency toward nervous cough, chronic cough, chronic nasal discharge, chronic clearing of the throat, immune problems, eczema, allergies.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Person feels at peace with self and becomes more self-tolerant
  • Person develops a more balanced view of life
  • Person recognizes individual problem and is prepared to take positive steps to overcome the problem


Crab Apple is beneficial to those who are oversensitive to personal feelings of despondency caused by over perceived personal imperfections.


I experience cleansing on all levels. I feel clean and harmonious. I accept my imperfections as I grow more healthy and balanced. I cleanse myself of any toxicity or disharmonious thoughts.


Experience: Despondent/immobilized over the stress of great responsibilities

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Overwhelmed by responsibilities and commitments - "I'm over-committed."
  • Takes on too much work and experiences exhaustion due to need to perform
  • Temporary loss of self confidence
  • Inadequacy - feels an inability to keep up with tasks or goals
  • Feels paralyzed because of the burden of responsibilities
  • Are usually indispensable to others which creates an extra burden to perform
  • Lack of parental nurturing

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Difficulty swallowing, poor concentration, circulatory problems, heart palpitations, nervous breakdown, fainting spells, exhaustion, emotional paralysis, depression
  • Problems manifest themselves out of true prospective

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Clears paralysis of overwhelm
  • Restores self confidence
  • Problems become challenges
  • Acquires proper prospective


 Elm is beneficial to those who experience temporary or momentary despondency in life. They are usually very capable and good achievers who suddenly become overwhelmed and need time to get their breath and refocus on the task ahead.


I know God is using me as I release my burdens to Him. I have all the help I need. I am confident I am filling my life’s mission. I release the burden of perfectionistic striving.


Experience: Uncertainty from lack of resolve – discouragement from set-backs

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Makes mountains out of mole-hills
  • Discouraged by small hindrances, therefore gives up easily
  • Exhibits gloom for no apparent reason
  • Lack of faith, self-doubt, skeptical

Some Physical Symptoms:

Depression (knows the reason), discouraged over illness, breathing problems, pessimistic conversation, may be learning difficulties, frustration

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Restores faith
  • Confidence ‘I will succeed’
  • Commitment that things will work out well


Gentian is beneficial to the discouraged, gloomy, faithless individual.


  •  Fear knocked at the door, Faith answered the door and no one was there.
  • God has given to every man a measure of faith. Rom 12:3
  • The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Dan 11:32
  • I persevere despite seeming setbacks. I accept each setback as a valuable lesson. I take responsibility for creating my reality.


Experience: A hopeless, despairing attitude, sunk in a well of pessimism

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Uncertainty reflected in negative despair, depression
  • Lack of confidence ‘What’s the use ?’ - has no energy to keep trying "I quit"
  • Uncertainty in inner power, so is looking for cures on the outside
  • Due to feelings of futility, these people need help getting through major conflict

Some Physical Indications:

Unwillingness to try solutions – they won‘t work, tendency toward chronic disease, pale appearance, dark rings around eyes

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Stimulates sense of healing and recovery for chronically ill
  • Restores feelings of hope - that all is not lost


 Gorse is beneficial to those hopeless, despairing individuals who exhibit-depression. Oftentimes they have suffered from chronic illness and have given up hope for any cure. They also tend to believe that help or hope must come from outside rather than from within.


I accept the ups and downs of life. I remain hopeful despite difficulties.


Experience: Self-focused, self-concerned, exhibits loneliness which needs to always be with others

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Likes to talk constantly about themselves (self centered)
  • Likes to touch, nudge or hold your arm to keep your attention
  • Is self-absorbed or obsessed with their own troubles or ailments - hypochondriac
  • Greedy for attention - thus doesn't like to be alone
  • Tend to be poor listeners since when they are not talking they are thinking about themselves and what they want to say next
  • Drains the energy of others with their constant need for attention
  • Perhaps undernourished as a child

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Hypochondriacs in order to get more attention from others
  • Boring others with constant talk
  • Desire to stand close to the person they are talking to

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Person becomes self-less and caring for others
  • Willing to listen and help others
  • Becomes an encourager of others and gives them strength


Heather is beneficial to those lonely people who feel the constant need to be around others and tell of their problems and concerns.


I cast off self-concern and turn my attention to care about others. I quiet myself in order to truly hear others. I encourage and give strength to others.


Experience: Troubled by strong negative feelings like anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, suspicions

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Hard-hearted from being hurt, can exhibit hatred, revenge, jealousy, anger, suspicion, envy
  • Feels excluded from love
  • Fears being deceived, are easily hurt, supersensitive to real or imagined slights Discontent, unhappy, distrusting, expects negativity, intolerant
  • Feelings are often explosive

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Cancer, inflammation, burning/itching skin rashes, allergies
  • Liver, gall bladder problems

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Holly lessens negative feelings and once again opens the heart of the person
  • Holly is the antidote for hate
  • Holly encourages love for God and love for one’s fellow man


 Holly is beneficial to those who are empty and without love in their lives. They tend to receive back from others the hatred, anger and negative feelings which they have been giving out.


  •  Cease from anger, and forsake wrath. Psalm 37:8
  • The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. James 1:20
  • Where there is envy and strife, there is confusion and every evil work. James 3:16

I receive the love of others. I respond to others with understanding and compassion.


Experience: For those who lack interest in the present due to romanticized view of the past

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Lives in the past ‘If only....’ - Longs to start over
  • Does not expect future happiness as great as in the past
  • Homesick for the past – the good old days - glorifies past memories
  • Can't 'get-over' the loss of loved one
  • Dwelling of the mind on the past
  • Pessimistic outlook for the present and the future
  • Lacks the capacity to change and accept new things
  • Homesick, need for safety in the present, longing for safe family environment

Some Physical Indications:

Refers to the past in conversations, lacks energy and attention to the present Nostalgic, may be grief/broken-heartedness attached to past event

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Activates interest in the present and ability to release the past
  • Activates energy and enthusiasm for living
  • Activates sense of prospective related to the past, present and future
  • Activates understanding of the past and brings its lessons into the present so they can profit from the past


 Honeysuckle is beneficial to those who seem to be living in the past due to regrets or special experiences that make the past a pleasant place to live. They tend to want to withdraw into the past either for comfort or to make right the past.


I am centered in my present activities. I learn from the past while letting go of it.


Experience: Mental weariness at the thought of what lies ahead - Burned-out

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Feels overworked, mentally exhausted, overwhelmed and burned out - thus sluggish
  • Procrastination and lethargy as work which was once a pleasure now becomes a chore
  • Low job satisfaction
  • Feels unable to face the day but once work is engaged the feeling lifts
  • Feels some part of mind or body needs strengthening before task can be approached

Some Physical Indications:

Exhaustion from too much routine, structure in the life, avoids exercise and stressful activity. May exhibit tendency toward eye problems and overweight. Slow to recover from illness. Feels need for stimulants to get going. Pressure around eyes. Chronic fatigue, lupus, connective tissue degeneration.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Encourages activity
  • Relieves mental fatigue


Hornbeam is beneficial to those individuals who are burnt-out mentally.


I have all the energy I need. I am interested and involved in all that I do. I am mentally and physically capable of doing what I need to do and want to do.


Experience: Impatience, irritability and intolerance

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Very competent and prefers to work alone so as not to be slowed down
  • Desire things to be done quickly – impatient
  • Are quick in thought and action but exhibit mental tension and irritability
  • Tend to work quickly and wants everything to go smoothly
  • Inner restlessness causes person to have mood swings - jumps to conclusions
  • Looks at watch often, edgy and on the go - tells others to hurry
  • Often takes matters into own hands - others are too slow

Some Physical Indications:

Inner tension may cause indigestion, spasticity or pain. Fast pace causes exhaustion. May exhibit hot flashes or lack of sleep. ADD, muscle tension, back pain, HBP.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Inner peace
  • Gentle spirit and nurturing
  • Patient and sensitive


Impatiens is beneficial to those who are generally bright but are impatient with others and like to work alone so as not to have their progress impeded. They are fast workers with little thought of others.


I accept the flow of life and the pace of others. I allow life’s processes time to unfold. I am patient and feel soothed in mind and body.


Experience: Despondency over feeling inferior and expectations of failure

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Anticipate failure so often won't try
  • Procrastinate to avoid the inevitable disappointment of failure
  • Inferiority - feels unimportant, unnecessary, useless, impotent
  • Doubt their own ability and are afraid of failure
  • Passive - refusing to make real effort to succeed

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Depression, impotency, poor ability to speak or write
  • Illness becomes an excuse for failure
  • Lack of self-confidence, indecisive, shy, fear of speaking up
  • Praises the success of others

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Creates self confidence and ability to express self
  • Desire to take risks, and set goals confidently
  • Positive expectations


 Larch is beneficial to those who are depressed and self-condemning with feelings of inferiority. They often praise others for their abilities believing that they cannot achieve themselves.


  •  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
  •  I act with confidence. I express myself creatively. I find success in growing from each experience.


Experience: Fear of known things

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Shy, timid, reserved, sensitive, easily frightened but hides fears
  • Ultra sensitive to cold, noise, aggressive behavior, loud words, conflict, etc.
  • Fear of worldly things, of illness, of misfortune, of financial disaster
  • Fear of speaking in public, of pain, of people or animals, of heights, etc.
  • Gets sick when faced with fears
  • Gets anxious when things aren't working out as planned

Some Physical Indications:

 Blushes easily, stammering/stuttering, shyness, timidity, sinus problems, shallow breathing, sensitivity to noise, nervousness, talking all the time from sheer nervousness, giggling, moist palms

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Courage and confidence, promotes understanding of fears and courage to face problems
  • Self control of emotions
  • Uses humor to face the future


Mimulus is beneficial to those who are afraid of an event or condition but are often reluctant to discuss the situation to others.


I act with courage and inner strength. I recognize each challenge as an opportunity for growth. I accept life’s experiences and work with them.


Experience: Sudden despair, melancholy or depression for no apparent reason

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  They are depressed due to despair and sense of gloom with no apparent reason
  • Tend to be melancholic and hopeless
  • Can have severe depression that takes away any interest in the present circumstances
  • They find nothing worthwhile – there is no joy or pleasure to life
  • Often feel excluded thus become introverted
  • Unrecognized anger

Physical Indication:

They are slow to move, lack motivation and feel excluded from normal life. May involve generational curse. SAD, sleep apnea, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Provides feeling of inner strength and serenity
  • Provides balance – they see the clouds of life but also see the sunshine
  • Dispels gloom and brings joy to life and courage


Mustard is beneficial to those who are in despair for no apparent reason. They find no joy or pleasure to life and often slip into periods of deep depression.


I have faith in God’s work in me. I am filled with serenity and peace of mind. I am filled with the joy of life.


Experience: Feel depressed due to great responsibilities yet continues to press on

Physiological Characteristics:

  •  A plodder, dutiful, reliable tend to be overwhelmed with responsibility
  • Generally don't complain, don't give up, won't quit but get despondent over struggle of everyday life or activity or by the exhaustion of the fight to carry on
  • Shoulders the burdens of others, considers fatigue a weakness
  • Iron-willed, inflexible, competitive, martyr complex

Some Physical Indications:

 These individuals are prone to stress related health problems such as heart attack, nervous breakdown, stroke. They are known for their tireless, brave efforts to overcome all odds and never give up. Tense shoulders/neck. Need rest.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Reduces inner pressure to produce
  • Humor returns to life and person exhibits a variety of interests
  • Able to lift selves to new perspective above the tasks and accept normal limitations
  • Stimulates courage which overcomes despondency


Oak is beneficial to those who are despondent due to their overwhelming responsibilities which create stress in their lives.


I release struggle and flow with life. I feel strong and energetic.


Experience: Mental and physical exhaustion with no reserve, depleted of strength

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Everything is an effort, deep inner tiredness, no reserves left, devitalized
  • Weariness from mental fatigue - years of worry – hours of study
  • Weariness from chronic illness
  • Weariness from being a care-giver to a loved one(s)
  • Weariness from long hours of work
  • Weariness from lack of sleep, poor diet and constant worry

Some Physical Indications:

Everything is an effort; they are exhausted and need sleep (they don’t sleep soundly)

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Creates strength and vitality
  • Creates ability to cope with demands in a cheerful manner Creates atmosphere for sound sleep


Olive is beneficial to those who are weary from worry, illness, stressful work and can hardly go on in life due to the exhaustion.


I feel revitalized in mind and body. I make conscious use of all my energy. I know my limits in sharing with others.

Other Considerations:

If tiredness and exhaustion is in the mind use Hornbeam.


Experience: Despondency over guilt and self-blame, feels they could have or should have done better

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Hard working people who suffer much from faults they attach to themselves
  • Sense of guilt over circumstances of which they had no responsibility
  • Never content with their achievement, often say "I'm sorry"
  • Self reproach, introverted
  • Guilt complex, feels responsible for others mistakes
  • Overly conscientious, feels extreme need to sacrifice
  • Do not live up to own expectations and awaits some punishment
  • Feels worthless, has trouble accepting compliments, gifts

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Depression, impotency, constant stress and frustration, apologetic
  • Can't accept self, self-effacing, feels guilty and need for forgiveness by God, may be from dysfunctional family

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Does not dwell on mistakes
  • Focuses on accomplishments
  • Feels regret rather than guilt
  • Finds self value and joy


 Pine is beneficial to those often religious individuals who are always in a state of guilt over perceived inadequacies. They blame themselves for everything and suffer greatly from their feelings of guilt.


I accept myself. I release all feelings of guilt and self-blame.

Red Chestnut

Experience: Fear/concern for others that perhaps something wrong may happen

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Fear or anticipation of unfortunate events
  • Fear for others well being
  • Fear from imagining the worst
  • Fear (excessive) or concern for world's problems
  • Over-protective, over-caring, great attachment to people, constantly warning children

Some Physical Indications:

 Excessive worry or over involvement in the lives of others, over protectiveness of loved ones and a desire to sacrifice self for others. “Mother Hen" view of the world, shouting that the “sky is falling”. They project anxiety to those they meet.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Becomes an encourager of others
  • Increases ability to cope with stress
  • Promotes calmness in times of anxiety
  • Stimulates a willingness to help but not control


 Red Chestnut is beneficial to those who are over involved in a negative way in the lives of others. It calms the anxiety over others and promotes a balanced view of the past, present and the future.


  •  The valleys make the mountains possible.
  •  I have a healthy detachment from the problems of others.

Rock Rose

Experience: Sudden escalating anxieties, states of terror, panic and hysteria, troubled by nightmares

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Relives fright from past traumatic experience
  • Panic attacks
  • Hysteria
  • Trauma resulting from shock (blizzards, hurricanes, earthquakes)
  • Immobilized with fear - may have been unable to speak, hear or see

Some Physical Indications:

Hyperactivity, phobias, asthma, rigid body, immobility, heart problems

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Encourages steadfastness
  • Stimulates courage
  • Changes focus from self to others
  • Creates calmness


Rock Rose is beneficial to those who have experienced a physical trauma which has created a condition of fear in their minds.


I face the most extreme challenges with unshakable courage.

Rock Water

Experience: Strictness with themselves leads to self-denial, rigidity and stubbornness

Physiological Characteristics:

  •  Tends to give up pleasure in search of perfection - pleasure/comfort is unspiritual
  • Is unaware that standards for self are too high - legalistic at whatever their passion is
  • Tends to self-abandonment in search of goals
  • Tends to great self-discipline and self-criticism
  • Tends to seek dogmatic religious tenants in search of spirituality rather than a seeking after God Himself

Some Physical Indications:

 This person is under much self-created stress which manifests itself in muscle and joint problems. The person may also tend to deny the needs of the physical body for rest and relaxation, as he believes that the physical must give way to the spiritual.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Promotes open mindedness and allows one to enjoy life
  • Promotes adaptability and flexibility in one's views
  • Promotes a kinder and gentler personality
  • Promotes a logical view of life rather than an irrational dogmatic approach


 Rock water types are individuals committed to excellence in themselves and thus tend to leave others alone. They see a clash in life between the physical and the meeting of their goals, which causes them to deny the physical and become overly focused on their generally worthwhile yet compulsive goal.


I flow with life’s natural rhythm and order. I am flexible in applying my ideals.


Experience: Indecisive and hesitant in choices, first one seems right, then the other

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Tend to suffer emotional stress due to indecision
  • Vacillation – a ‘Ping-Pong’ state of mind
  • Hesitancy which creates fatigue and much mental agitation
  • Mood swings
  • Tend to jump from topic to topic in conversation
  • Tend to struggle with their uncertainty alone without telling others
  • Tendency toward nervous breakdowns

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Fluctuation of body temperature
  • Tendency to waste time because they can’t make up their mind
  • Lack of accomplishment
  • Takes longer to do tasks like shopping, planning due to indecision

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Brings thoughts into focus so they can see options more clearly
  • Gives sense of balance to life
  • Increases power of concentration
  • Restores confidence in making decisions


Scleranthus is beneficial to those who are constantly in a state of indecision and cannot make up their minds. They are also given to mood swings and extremes in conduct.


I am decisive in thought and action. I am balanced and stable. I act from inner certainty.

Star of Bethlehem

Experience: Despondent due to shock of bad events including grief, trauma, loss

 Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Shock from mental, physical or emotional sources
  • Unresolved trauma/disappointment from childhood
  • Experiences often grief/disappointment
  • Frightened
  • Feels "injured"

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Stress
  • Unexplained physical symptoms
  • Psychosomatic conditions
  • Paralyzed reasoning facilities
  • Slurred speech
  • Frightened
  • May address pain with addictive substances

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Called the “Comforter and soother of pains and sorrows”
  • Clears the mind – gives a balanced focus in life
  • Overcomes the symptoms of shock


 Star of Bethlehem is found in the rescue remedy and is especially beneficial to those despondent over the shock of disaster, death or injury. The occurrence is generally an event of a short duration, as opposed to a chronic problem. Relief is prompt and lasting.


I am free of the influence of past trauma. I feel calm and soothed.

Sweet Chestnut

Experience: Deep despair, hopeless, self destructive, having reached limits of their endurance

 Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Mental despair/anguish – no light at the end of the tunnel - all hope is lost
  • Sense of emptiness – life holds no joy - feels brokenhearted/dejected/lonely
  • Doomed - Extremely negative - all is chaos
  • Focuses on present, not yesterday or tomorrow
  • Afraid of breaking down under stress
  • May feel estranged from God

Some Physical Indications:

  •  Drug addiction, oppressed, seeking heart-based answers
  • Hopeless, needs salvation
  • Lack of endurance, exhausted

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Reestablished spiritual moorings so that faith is restored
  • Becomes hopeful and enthusiastic
  • Refocuses life on goodness


 Sweet Chestnut is especially beneficial to those despondent individuals who feel cut off from their Creator and are in the dark night of doom. Causes of despondency may be apparent, such as death of loved one, financial disaster, etc. which caused them to focus on problem to the extent they become hopeless.


I am sustained by the power of God. I surrender to God’s transformation process.


Experience: The true fanatic - Over-caring about strong principles and ethics which results in tenseness and stress, having strong opinions, need to have the last word, argumentative, wanting to enthuse others with their ideas

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Fast mover, fast talker, lives on the edge, on nerves, difficult to relax, always keyed
  • Always right and will tell you why
  • Over-caring which leads to being very focused in a single direction
  • Over concern which causes them to challenge anyone who gets in their way
  • Can be overbearing talking constantly about their cause or situation
  • They are not reluctant to speak their peace, regardless of the circumstances, due to their strong, unbending focus on their pet topic or cause.

Some Physical Indications:

These individuals fail to display self discipline and restraint. HBP, muscle tension, spasms, colic, nervous tics, over-active thyroid, headaches

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Promotes an understanding attitude towards others and the ability to see things in perspective rather than over focus
  • Promotes the ability to inspire others rather than badger them
  • Promotes a relaxed and balanced lifestyle


 Vervain is beneficial to those individuals who are idealistic and tend to get on bandwagons or espouse causes which lead them to become overbearing, over focused and a challenge to all whom they meet, creating stress and intensity in every relationship.


I am moderate in thought and action. I harmonize my will with God’s will. I allow others to follow God in their own way.


Experience: Over-concern (overbearing) causing inflexibility and domination

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Born leaders who are unquestionably in charge, deliberately using pressure to achieve goals
  • Very capable, ambitious, presumptuous, greedy for power, wants authority
  • Tends to boss or dominate others - not open to discussion
  • Tends to appear arrogant and cruel – are often considered bullies as children
  • They attempt to persuade everyone to comply to their point of view
  • Can result from suppressed hurt from father.

Some Physical Indications:

These persons are prone to tension and nervousness. In conversation, they will use much gesticulation and often dramatically.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Promotes a teamwork approach to problem solving and goal setting
  • Promotes a recognition in the value of others and their opinions
  • Promotes a desire to help others find their own way - a pastor's heart
  • Lessens harshness and promotes understanding


Vine is especially benefical to those whose over-concern for others causes them to become bossy and domineering toward those they seek to control.


I respect the individuality of others. I allow others the right of self-determination. I influence others by the strength of my example.


Experience: Oversensitivity due to temporary stress of change

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  They are having difficulty adjusting though a change – may be unsettled
  • Usually knows what they want but are now vacillating
  • Often want to be left alone to resist the influences of others
  • Tend to be easily influenced during times of change in their life
  • Difficulty completing major decisions
  • Hard to step free of a dominant personality
  • Need help in times of transition, either to break from the past or accept the new

Some Physical Indications:

Signs of change are apparent: puberty, conversion, parenthood, change of life, serious illness, change of jobs, retirement, death, moving, advancement, divorce, tragic circumstances, etc. Parasites.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Enables one to make easy transitions in life
  • Walnut is the link-breaker and enables one to move on in life
  • Enables one to persevere against traditional boundaries
  • Helpful for professionals who have to deal with tragedy
  • Stabilizes emotional upsets during transitions


 Walnut is beneficial to those who find themselves in a state of transition either due to their own choices or by outside influences. They will find help in making firm decisions and commitments even against the backdrop of unconventionality.


I am free of negative limiting influences. I am protected from negative influences. I break with past negative influences that hinder my growth.

Water Violet

Experience: Loneliness because they tend to be aloof and don't tolerate interference in their life

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Prefer a few well-chosen friends than a large social gathering
  • Self sufficient and self contained - likes home best
  • Lack humility and need for others - it is difficult to befriend this person
  • Reserved but seem to act as if they are superior and seem to disdain others
  • They bear their grief and sorrow in silence
  • They want to be left alone and will leave others alone - avoids intimacy
  • Everyone seeks their advice
  • Need creative hobby outlet.

Some Physical Indications:

Feel stiff and tight. Suffer from physical rigidity. Tension headaches, lymphatic support

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Breaks down the barriers and enables them to welcome others
  • Frees them to open up to others
  • Enhanced personality which is able to share and love


 Water Violet is beneficial to those who are in a state of isolation and separation from others. This separation includes feelings and sympathy; often this type of person is given to a sense of superiority along with a sense of self sufficiency.


I enjoy sharing with others. I am open and appreciative with others.

White Chestnut

Experiences: Unwanted negative thoughts go round and round in the mind

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Mind is tormented by worrying or unwanted repetitive thoughts or constant mental chatter
  • Mind is racing around in circles preventing peace of mind
  • Mind is having a mental argument with itself
  • Mind is unable to focus on any one thing but continually is in a state of agitation with no release
  • Mind will not let one sleep for long periods of time if at all

Some Physical Indications:

Person suffers from frontal headaches, continued treacherous thought patterns, talks but nothing is ever settled which results in depression and fatigue. Head feels full, eyes hurt, fatigued yet restless. Stomach/pancreas issues. Needs minerals

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Relieves the mental whirlpool and restores peace of mind
  • Clear thinking with ability to focus on topics of choice
  • Answers to problems come on their own without a lot of mental effort
  • Sees life in a balanced way – both negatively and positively


White Chestnut is beneficial to those who have a racing mind (mentally hyperactive) on a treadmill, they tend to talk constantly and may be given to headaches (frontal).


I know the answers that I seek will freely come from God. I am quiet and balanced within.


Wild Oat


Experience: Uncertainty about life’s goals or career or boredom with present position

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Uncertainty or lack of resolve concerning career
  • Uncertainty as to goals, as to what will bring satisfaction, as to what to do next
  • Uncertainty as to where to fit in
  • Avoids commitment, has no direction in life, dissatisfied
  • Ambitious but doesn't know what to do

Some Physical Indications:

 Generally they are quite talented people and can make a success at anything but they don't know where to focus their energies. They overeat and may have sexually related problems.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Stimulates ability to find nitch in life
  • Stimulates interest in life and meeting life's challenges
  • Stimulates interest in others and discovers that happiness is in service to others


Wild oat is beneficial to those who experience unfulfillment with present circumstances and are seeking direction in life.


I am clear in my life’s direction. I express my life’s purpose in my life’s activities. I create and attract the opportunities I need.

Wild Rose

Experience: Apathy and resignation to current conditions

Some Psychological Characteristics:

  •  Fail to make any effort to improve conditions, they just ‘live with it’
  • Pass up opportunities because they feel that too much is required of them
  • Resigned to life and sees no ability to change anything - Fatalistic
  • Life is monotonous and boring - expects the worst
  • Person has surrendered to life - he gives up easily ‘Oh well, That’s life’
  • Hope is non-existent and there’s a general feeling of sadness

Some Physical Indications:

Lack of energy with little expression in voice, dreary and downhearted, fatalistic in thought and generally dull.

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Creates an awareness that things can be changed for the better
  • Creates a feeling of inner freedom
  • Creates an interest in life and new found sense of vitality


 The Wild Rose easily gives up and believes that life is fatalistic in nature. Nothing can be done to change what will be. They easily accept a bad diagnosis and feel life is out of their control. They are just living their lives out on a treadmill with no hope or joy.


I feel alive with great interest in life. I participate dynamically in life to make a difference.


Experience: Despondent – feels bitter, blames others because of past events that were hurtful and seemed unjust

 Physiological Characteristics

  •  Negative thought patterns showing bitterness toward life, a situation or person
  • Self destructive, inflexible, makes demands but is unwilling to give
  • Feel sorry for themselves, moody, touchy, don't like to admit when they feel better
  • Resentment – difficult to forgive and forget
  • Sulk when things go wrong - life is unfair
  • Victim mentality, suppressed anger

Some Physical Indications:

Stiff joints. May bear grudges, be angry or embittered, feel isolated, be materialistic or moody

Some Actions of this Bach Flower:

  •  Stimulates optimism
  • Develops sense of humor
  • Enjoys friendships
  • Has feelings for others
  • Laughs at own mistakes


 Willow is especially beneficial to those who are despondent and feel embittered by bad events which have come their way. They feel sorry for themselves, affecting their relationships as they become moody, isolated and hostile towards others.


I accept responsibility for my life situation. I am creating a harmonious life by my thoughts and actions. I forgive others for past hurts. I release all feelings of blame and bitterness.

Consider this…..

I have learned more from very sick people than I have from double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies. My sick clients taught me how to get them well - things that even my teachers didn't know. I have such smart clients.

Health Parameters Research

** Important Warning **

Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. So if the required warnings have not scared you away, then you have a chance. I'm reporting here what kinds of approaches actually helped very sick people get well, AND the kinds of things that actually made them sick (and it usually isn't lack of exercise, weight, menopause or smoking - it is the underlying cause of all those things.)

In case you were wondering..

B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, b=bedtime. Make sure to read What to Expect on an Herbal Program (in the Herb menu) before beginning. Dosages given are about what my clients benefit from. You may be different. Begin slowly and see how each recommendation benefits you.

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  1. Diane Glogner A friend of Sandy on February 12, 2017 at 6:49 am

    I would like help to choose bach flowers remedies for the boss ‘brother who was exposed to sewer gas for YEARS suffered all the symptoms of methane poisoning .Had a major brain bleed and now suffers continual delusion , hallucinations. He is awaken by them and they haunt him during wakeful hours.
    I would appreciate an email [email protected]

    • PatBlockND on February 15, 2017 at 7:42 pm

      Hey Diane,
      Bach Flowers may address symptoms but to clear the underlying cause of his discomforts he needs to detox his liver.

  2. Bryannup on September 17, 2024 at 10:17 am

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