Internet Finds

NOTE: Please refresh this page as it is edited often.
(To quickly find the many uses of the herb you tested for, use the index to the right.  Then click on the name of the herb in that description to find where to purchase the exact formula.)


No one company's products can meet the health challenges that we all have encountered, so I have searched the web to augment the companies I normally use.  On this page, I present new remedies that have proven to be effective on the people who come to see me. Of note, the majority are liquids which supports the idea that we need a work-around for our deficient/damaged digestion, which presents an important and common barrier to healing.
Reminder:  Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice.

You may have tested for one or more of these in my office, and since I am semi-retired and prefer not to maintain inventory, I have compiled a list with some technical descriptions of the exact remedies that are in my bench and links to find them on Amazon so you can order them.  To be able to do this, I set up an Amazon Associate account and by purchasing from these links below a small commission is generated (~1%). This does not impact the price you are paying.   If you are uncomfortable with the seller on Amazon, I'd advise purchasing it directly from the manufacturer being careful to purchase the exact item that you linked to on Amazon.  While on Amazon you can also look at the reviews for these supplements, keeping in mind that not everyone takes the right remedy, in the right amount and in the right way.  My people have found these to be very helpful.  Please dose according to the yellow sheet I gave you, not the package directions.  Note: some of these herbs (noted below) stimulate the immune or detox functions and are best taken before 1PM.

Some info on taking liquid supplements
The benefit of liquid remedies is improved absorption.  This can be critical with inadequate digestive processes and inflamed mucosal linings.  Most of the liquid extracts are in glycerine.
Remember to shake all liquid supplements well before dispensing.
Dosage: On your yellow sheet, df=dropperful, which is one good squeeze of the top bulb (with the cap loose) to lift the remedy into the pipette. This is usually about 1-1 1⁄4 inches up the pipette depending on the consistency of the remedy (Note, df does not mean to the top of the pipette).   To get the best absorption, dispense the remedy under the tongue and hold as long as possible. (There are exceptions indicated in the remedy descriptions below.)   The veins under the tongue receive the remedy and take it into circulation.  Some will escape down the throat, but that is fine.   To dose a '1/2 dropperful', release half of the liquid in the pipette back into the bottle before dispensing.
Alternatively, unless specified otherwise, the remedies may be put in a little water and taken on an empty stomach.
Timing: Liquid remedies are best taken between meals or away from a meal by about 5 minutes. If you have more than one liquid remedy, separate the doses by about 2-3 minutes.
Also, you can calculate how many bottles you may need.   Each 2 ounce bottle contains about 60 dropperfuls.  So, for example, if your dosage is three dropperfuls per day, one 2 oz bottle will just carry you through 20 days, so a second or larger bottle may be needed.
Alcohol extracts.  Important therapeutic principles in some herbs are best (or only) extracted by alcohol.  To remove the alcohol, place your entire daily dosage of the remedy in a small glass or mug and add about 1/4-1/2 cup boiling water to evaporate most of the alcohol.  Allow to cool and sip the remedy throughout the day.
Eyedrop Preparation.  If you tested for an herbal eyedrop preparation, it is made in the following way:  First, you will need a small dropper bottle (about 1 oz), a small funnel which fits in the neck of the bottle, and a shot glass with measurements on the side indicating a tablespoon measure.  Sterilize the dropper bottle by filling with boiling water (using the funnel) and inserting the dropper (squeezing to get boiling water inside of the pipette).  The small funnel is sterilized in this process.  Sterilize the shot glass measure also with boiling water.  After about 2-3 minutes, empty both the dropper bottle and the shot glass.  Fill the shot glass to the 1 tablespoon line with boiling water.  Add the herbal drops specified in my office to the shot glass. Inspect to see if any debris is in the shot glass (debris usually sinks so be careful to exclude the last few drops when filling your dropper bottle).   Pour the contents of the shot glass into the sterilized dropper bottle using the funnel. Finally, rinse the remedy from the funnel and shot glass.   Allow to cool.  Apply to the eyes as directed.  This solution is good for 3 days, after which it is discarded.  Then a new batch is made.

Secrets of the Tribe (click the name to find on Amazon)

Agrimony Liquid Extract  (Alcohol free)
Agrimony (Agrimonia Eupatoria) is cited in ancient herbals and is widely used in traditional medicine for lung inflammation, diarrhea, liver diseases, cholestasis, cholecystitis, intestinal or bladder atony, bleeding disorders and inflammatory conditions of the oral mucosa. It has been used topically to help skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It has many active compounds possessing antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anti-microbial activities. In particular, research has shown Agrimony to have bactericidal action and is also reported to be effective against H. pylori. Agrimony also demonstrates antiviral activity against influenza and hepatitis type viruses.  Many studies indicate that Agrimony may be helpful for chronic infections especially related to mold/fungal/yeast overgrowth.
Studies have also shown Agrimony to be neuroprotective, anti-thrombotic, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-cancer, hepato-protective, anti-diabetic, hypotensive, and analgesic.  Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Ashwagandha Root tincture (alcohol free)
Ashwagandha is considered the “ginseng” of Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It is a powerful antioxidant, adaptogen, and anti-inflammatory. It increases physical energy, immunity, and fertility.  It is being studied for its anticancer properties and is known for reducing cortisol (the hormone associated with stress) levels that can cause weight gain and over time, life-threatening and chronic illnesses.
It is classified as an adaptogenic and sedative herb, which means it helps you 'bounce back and calm down'. So when you’re stressed and pressed out of measure to a place where you don’t function very well or sleep very well, Ashwagandha helps you get back to where you function best.  It’s popular reputation is as an herb for anxiety, which is consistent with its adaptogenic and sedative action.  It is very helpful for people who have trouble falling asleep due to a busy mind.  In this case, it is taken under the tongue before bed.  It also appears to have hormone balancing benefits, but also consider liquid Pregnenolone if you tested for it.  Clinical trials indicate it is helpful to improve a sense of well-being, and for growth promotion in children.  It improves conditions associated with aging, including muscle strength and function. It helps modulate cardiovascular risk factors, rheumatoid arthritis, improves stamina in athletes, and improves low testosterone and fertility in men.

Bloodroot Tincture (Sanguinaria canadensis)   Alcohol free
A potent remedy that needs to be used with respect.  This tincture is not to be taken directly under the tongue, but rather the total daily dose is added to a liquid and that liquid is taken throughout the day.   High doses are said to be toxic (as is true with many things) so be cautious and use only as directed.   Native Americans used the rhizome in the treatment of rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis and other lung ailments, laryngitis, fevers and warts.  It was a traditional treatment for tuberculosis and leprosy.  It is considered a potent blood and lymphatic cleanser.  Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Chaparral Liquid Extract,  (Larrea tridentata) 
Chaparral "creosote bush" has resinous, evergreen leaves that can be described as pungently aromatic. The stems and leaves of the bush are covered with a sticky resin that screens leaves against ultraviolet radiation, reduces water loss, and poisons or repels most herbivores. Chaparral is claimed to help treat over 50 ailments, including cancer, arthritis, tuberculosis, skin conditions, and the common cold.   It is generally considered anti-microbial.  Chaparral contains various potent compounds that may interact with cancer pathways and has been shown to significantly lower activity of tumor-promoting agents.   There are claims that the chaparral herb can prevent the replication of the human papillomavirus (HPV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Cilantro Liquid Extract Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)   Alcohol free
Due to the presence of a multitude of bioactives, a wide array of pharmacological activities have been ascribed to different parts of this herb, which include anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anxiolytic, anti-epileptic, anti-depressant, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-dyslipidemic, anti-hypertensive, neuro-protective and diuretic.
Many studies point to the fact that antioxidants in coriander may help rid the liver from a buildup of toxins. A 2013 review on the benefits of coriander reported that it has a lead-detoxifying potential.
Regarding the protective effect on the liver, researchers have found that cilantro leaf extract helps prevent damage by toxins to the liver. Scientists identified cilantro compounds that can help treat various liver diseases. This extract may affect digestive hormones (like GLP1) to balance the appetite and reduce hunger. May be helpful for weight loss efforts.

Cryptolepis sanguinolenta is a woody climbing shrub. In Ghana, root extracts are used in treating respiratory infections and malaria.  In West Africa, it was traditionally used to treat diarrhea, bacterial respiratory conditions, hypertension, wounds, malaria, and insomnia. In Guinea Bissau, the root decoction of this plant was traditionally used to treat hepatitis. Some traditional herbalists have used Cryptolepis for treating fever, urinary tract infections, and upper respiratory tract infections.
This plant has various local names created by people from different countries and regions. One of its most common names is yellow-dye root.
This herb is one in the repertoire of medical doctors who are using herbs to address chronic recurring infections.   It’s said to help with Lyme disease, malaria, blood sugar regulation, and more. Cryptolepis is considered one of the best herbs for treating Lyme and other stealth infections.
Lyme disease expert and author, Stephen Harrod Buhner noted that considerable research has been conducted on the safety of this plant, and no potential adverse reactions have been found. He also noted that in Africa and India, this plant is often used as a general tonic and taken for years at a time.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

European Mistletoe (Viscus Album)    Alcohol free
Generally, this mistletoe has sedative and antispasmodic properties. Herbalist Matthew Wood reports that as a sedative, mistletoe opens up circulation to areas that have been cut off from adequate blood supply by tension. It reduces cardiovascular tension and blood pressure while bringing in new blood, blood sugar and healing to areas long cut off, tensed up, weakened or damaged. Other benefits from mistletoe include improving cardiovascular health, managing skin conditions, alleviating depression and anxiety, balancing hormones, and fighting colds, fevers and respiratory issues including spasmodic coughing.
Historically mistletoe has been used to treat whooping cough. It also helps headaches and ringing in the ears, and can be effective in alleviating the symptoms of asthma.
Mistletoe extracts are the most frequently prescribed in conventional cancer therapies in Germany and some other European countries where it is sold as a prescription drug most often for cancer. Even though it has been used in Europe since the 1920s the FDA has not approved it as a treatment for any condition including cancer. A John Hopkins report indicates that mistletoe extract has ”several active ingredients that, in pre-clinical studies, appear to directly cause the death of tumor cells, and stimulate an immune response.“
From the doctrine of signatures, in herbal medicine, mistletoe, which is a parasitic plant, may be indicated as an effective treatment for parasites in humans and animals.  Certain studies have shown mistletoe to stimulate the immune system and a number of studies have reported immuno-stimulatory, cytotoxic, and pro apoptotic effects.   Although injections are widely used in Europe, sublingual application also provides a pathway into the blood.

 Guggul Extract Dried Gum Tincture  (Commiphora Mukul) Alcohol free.
Guggul is the common name for the sap which comes from a small thorny resinous tree in the same family as frankincense and the same genus as myrrh. It contains several essential oils like limonene, eugenol, and cineol, and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 2000 years for its cleansing and rejuvenating properties. It helps with fat digestion by increasing bile flow and helps with fat burning. Because fat is metabolized for fuel, it increases endurance, decreases appetite and helps with weight loss.
In Ayurvedic medicine it is said to 'scrape away accumulated toxins from the body’s channels' and at the same time to 'kindle the digestive fire and promote the body's natural digestive capacity'.  Removing accumulated toxins and excessive buildup of tissue promotes weight loss, and may address high triglycerides and a 'fatty' liver.   It is also said to 'lubricate and rejuvenate the tissues around the joints', promoting comfortable movement within these delicate spaces.  It increases elastin and collagen thus improves the skin.  Like other aromatic resins, it may have a dissolving action on biofilms. Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Lomatium (Lomatium Dissectum) is a broad spectrum anti-microbial that addresses viral, fungal, yeast and some types of bacterial issues. This herb has been used by the western American Indians to prevent and treat many ailments. They used it during the 1917 flu pandemic and doctors were surprised that there were no deaths among those Indians from the respiratory illness attributed to the influenza. And when medical doctors employed it, the people “just stopped dying.” Much research has been done on Lomatium particularly its antimicrobial properties. Clinically Lomatium has been used to address all viral issues like cold sores, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barr virus, mononucleosis, and HPV. Other uses include clearing up tooth abscesses, UTIs, strep infections, asthma, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and Candidiasis. This has been used both internally and topically.  Because it can potentially cause a detox reaction (itchy rash), start with a very small dosage and increase slowly when taking Lomatium for the first time.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Osha Root tincture (alcohol free)

Osha Root (Ligusticum porteri) is in the same family, as carrots, celery, dill, and parsley, but it is much more bitter in taste, thus medicinal in its principle action.  Osha is also known as the 'mountain lung cleanser'.   It is also known to calm the stomach and treat a number of gastric disorders.   It has been a traditional remedy for all respiratory complaints.   It is considered an antioxidant , anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial.   Similar to Lomatium it is an important go-to for all viral conditions, although I have found Osha stronger than Lomatium to address the viral cough.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Self Heal tincture (alcohol free)

Self Heal or Heal All (Prunella vulgaris) is an herb that has many varied properties including being antiviral, antibacterial, and fever modulating. Self Heal has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries and was considered a sort of panacea as it has been credited with the treatment of everything from minor cuts to internal bleeding, hence its name, Heal All.  When the body's self-recovery process stalls, this herb seems to kick start it again.  Stalling can be due to trauma, long term use of medications, or nutritional deficiencies.   It is also anti-diabetic, and estrogen balancing. One study showed that it was a helpful complementary treatment for women with estrogen-based cancers. It is also considered to have detoxifying action on the kidneys and lymphatic system.

Wild and Organic

Adrenal Support Liquid Drops 4 oz
Herbal adaptogen complex with organic Rhodiola & Ashwagandha Root in glycerine.   Follow those links to find a description of the actions of each of those herbs.  Together they help restore normal function both mentally and physically when stress, or other factors, have pushed the body out of balance.  Helps with disturbed sleep when taken after dinner and before bed.

Chanca Piedra - Stone Breaker (alcohol free)

This remedy is functionally equivalent to the Rejuvica Cleanse Drops and is also alcohol free, but is more economical at this time.  Tech notes on Chanca Piedra (Rejuvica Cleanse Drops) apply to this remedy too.

Echinacea Drops
Immune Support Supplement w/Echinacea Root - Alcohol-Free Echinacea Liquid helps the body as a lymphatic decongestant.  Echinacea is both immune enhancing in the case of infections and immune modulating in the case of allergic reactions, inflammation and autoimmunity.  Assists in recovery from chemo or other immuno-suppressive therapies.

Olive Leaf Extract Alcohol free
Clinical trials have confirmed that olive leaf extract lowers blood pressure, normalizes arrhythmias, eases angina pain, and enhances blood flow in cardiovascular and peripheral vascular system.
Olive leaf extract also has anti-inflammatory properties and is helpful for inflammation of the lungs and skeletal system and may also be helpful with the pain associated with fibromyalgia. It has mild diuretic and blood sugar lowering properties.
Documents show that in the early 1800s, Olive leaf extract was used to lower high fevers and treat malaria. Since then It has been shown to be effective against nearly every type of pathogen. Even HIV patients saw improvement in immune function as indicated by an increase in T cells following supplementation.

Uric Acid Cleanse drops (alcohol free)

High uric acid levels in the blood create inflammation in your joints, tendons and ligaments, with the first site often (but not always) occurring at the base of the big toe.  The painful condition is called gout or gouty arthritis.  High uric acid levels are also a risk for cardiovascular disease and other ailments.  'Stiffness with inactivity' also signals an accumulation or slow release of acids from the muscles.   And itchy skin can indicate that irritants are not being processed out the kidneys and are being released at the skin.  There are many herbs that help the kidney and liver process out these acids included in this useful formula.  Uric acid cleanse drops contain tart cherry fruit extract, hydrangea root, milk thistle seed, celery, turmeric root, dandelion root, and Stonebreaker (Chanca piedra) herb.  If you have gouty tendencies in your family, this may be important to have on your shelf.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its stimulating effect.


Heafetine 300 Billion CFU probiotic

Much research has been focused on the therapeutic value of specific strains of gut microbes.    In general, these bacteria address endotoxemia from SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and SIFO (fungal) which are largely responsible for bowel complaints and often accompanied by overgrowth of E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, et al.  The presence of SIBO/SIFO is indicated by bloating, gas, nausea and bowel urgency after meals.  Rebalancing the microbiome has positive effects on irritable bowels, intestinal transit time, digestion of nutrients and even depression (through the gut-brain axis).  These bacteria can help balance blood sugar, make B vitamins and detox many environmental toxins including lead, mercury and glyphosate (aka Roundup).
Beneficial bacteria also produce bacteriosins – substances which suppress harmful bacteria listed above.
Some probiotic species are considered “keystone” or “foundational”, in that they support the proliferation of other beneficial bacterial species.  When these keystones are eliminated, a damaging domino effect can occur.

Gogosatis Complete Probiotic 300 Billion CFU.    An equally potent probiotic formula as the one above, containing some of the same beneficial bacteria yet some different and important strains.  All of the above info applies to this supplement too.



CFUFUL Herbal Probiotic & Prebiotic 300 Billion CFU
Probiotic with 24 Strains and  15 Organic Herbs.  Another potent probiotic formula as the ones above, containing some of the same beneficial bacteria yet some different and important strains.  One action of these microbes is to breakdown toxins within the intestines, thus lowering the load on the immune system.  These also work to detoxify the food we are eating (from glyphosate & plastics).  All of the above info applies to this probiotic supplement too.

Miscellaneous - Part 1 (Click on the name to find on Amazon)

Liposomal Glutathione (GSH)

Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant (protects from aging free radicals). It is made in our well functioning liver to protect tissues from toxicity and inflammation.  However, in cases of chronic inflammation and toxic exposures, it is used up quickly. Glutathione neutralizes toxins and eliminates them. “No other nutrient works harder to eliminate Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Cl, formaldehyde, mycotoxins, parabens, phthalates, and the hundreds of other toxic substances we are exposed to daily.” Detoxifiers and protectors are important to unburden the body and preserve proper function in a toxic world.
Glutathione has been shown to be helpful in the following conditions: auto immune diseases, Parkinson’s, insulin resistance and diabetes, liver health, including fatty liver disease, chronic inflammation, and skin disorders. It has anti-atherogenic and neuro-protective properties.
Absorption can be an issue when supplementing with glutathione because the components are broken down in the stomach.   Liposomal glutathione is a form which survives the stomach.  This formula also contains vit C & phosphatidylcholine.

BioMatrix Pregnenolone – a neuro-endocrine, neuro-anti-inflammatory hormone

Pregnenolone is the basic building block of all steroid hormones. It is made from cholesterol in the adrenals, then enters other organs to be transformed into organ-specific steroid hormones like cortisol, testosterone, aldosterone, progesterone, estradiol, estrogen, and DHEA. (Note: Low cholesterol => low pregnenolone => low hormone levels.)  Research has shown that those with low thyroid function also have low pregnenolone levels.
Pregnenolone passes the blood brain barrier, to reduce brain inflammation and acts directly on brain neurotransmitters to improve mood, memory, vision, sleep, serotonin and dopamine.  It improves mental processes (problem solving, word recall – think dementia).
Pregnenolone helps with addictions because it stimulates dopamine. It has also been shown to help PTSD. Symptoms of low pregnenolone include constant feelings of 'flight or fight', of overwhelm, a low threshold to stress, hypersensitivity to caffeine, and inability to relax and 'switch off'.
Pregnenolone is converted to DHEA and then to testosterone in the male testes and female ovaries, IF those organs are functioning well. If they are not, (due to age or damage) then pregnenolone will not increase the hormones made within that organ. Pregnenolone has been shown to help joint pain, PMS, menopause, and all the symptoms that go along with 'low T' for those under age 50 whose endocrines are still well functioning. Above age 60, the major improvements realized are in the brain (mood and memory).
The 'pregnenolone steal' describes the case when a stressed body uses up its own pregnenolone to produce cortisol for a stress response, instead of performing its other functions given above.  Those experiencing repeated conflicts or encountering survival scenarios (soldiers, law enforcement, abuse victims) or who have exhausted adrenals may benefit from this supplement to normalize their hormone levels.

Cleanse Drops - Kidney & Gallbladder Cleanse (alcohol free)

Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) is a powerful medicinal herb from the Amazon rainforest whose name in Spanish is “stone breaker.”   Most people seem to test for this herb who come to see me.  The entire plant is used to produce this herbal supplement which is useful for treating urinary tract issues such as stones, and various conditions related to the bladder, kidneys, liver, gall bladder and digestive system, such as ulcers (h. Pylori).
A 2018 clinical study evaluated the effect of Chanca Piedra on 56 people with kidney stones over 12 weeks. The study found that Chanca Piedra reduced the size of kidney stones and contributed to the elimination of kidney stones that were smaller than 10 mm.   People are more likely to develop kidney stones when oxalate or uric acid levels are too high (gout), the study indicated that Chanca Piedra reduced these levels in the urine of people whose levels were high.
A traditional use of Chanca Piedra is for stomach ulcers. A 2014 review indicates that it can eliminate or prevent H. pylori in test tube studies.  From research other benefits of Chanca Piedra: supports kidneys, increases urination, treats malaria, aids digestion, protects and detoxifies the liver, reduces and normalizes fatty liver (obesity), reduces inflammation and relieves pain, reduces fever, safely reduces blood sugar, reduces spasms, clears obstructions and lowers blood pressure, reduces excess blood calcium, lowers cholesterol, clears jaundice, and prevents mutations.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Lion's Mane  (1 capsule ~ 3 grams lion's mane from 10:1 extract) Studies show that Lion’s Mane mushrooms contain 2 compounds that cross the blood/brain barrier and stimulate the growth of myelin and brain cells, increasing the length and number of neurons. A 2020 study of people with mild Alzheimer’s disease found that supplementation with 1 gram of Lion’s Mane daily for 49 weeks significantly improved cognitive test scores compared with a placebo.
Lion’s Mane mushroom also improves focus (ADHD), nerve damage from diabetes & stroke, helps with seizures, depression & anxiety, post shingles nerve pain and helps the area of the brain that processes memories and emotional responses. Many report improved REM sleep. To improve cognition, 3-5 grams /day are recommend. (A helpful video w/comments.)
One 2010 study of rats fed a high fat diet and given daily doses of Lion’s Mane extract showed 27% lower triglyceride levels and 42% less weight gain after 28 days.
Several animal studies have shown that Lion’s Mane can significantly lower blood sugar levels in both normal and diabetic mice, even at daily dosages as low as 2.7 mg/pound body weight (~.5 gm for 150#), in addition to lowering diabetic nerve pain in the hands and feet.
Some research suggests that Lion’s Mane mushroom has cancer-fighting properties. A 2013 study of mice with colon cancer found that taking Lion’s Mane extract reduced the spread of cancer to the lungs by 69%.
Lion’s Mane has been shown to decrease the amount of inflammation released by fat tissue.
A 2012 study found that supplementing with Lion’s Mane extract daily nearly quadrupled the lifespan of mice injected with a lethal dose of salmonella bacteria.

Umckaloabo alcohol tincture 

Umckaloabo comes from the root of the S. African geranium and has been used for hundreds of years in traditional African medicine as a treatment for respiratory infections and lung complaints. Since the late 1800's, its efficacy as a natural antibiotic alternative has been supported in many studies. Umckaloabo has been shown to have significant antibacterial properties against multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains, and is believed to have antimicrobial and immunostimulatory effects. It has been used for...
Treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, the common cold etc. Sore throat and swollen tonsils (tonsillopharyngitis) (Umckaloabo extract has been shown to significantly reduce pain and difficulty swallowing after 4 days of treatment) It is also said to help with herpes, gonorrhea, diarrhea, and dysentery.
Some studies also suggest that Umckaloabo can help to relieve asthma symptoms.  Follow the instructions for alcohol tinctures in the intro.

Natural Factors Liquid Kelp with Iodine (alcohol free)

Click here for another source for this. 
This mineral+iodine supplement muscle tests better than any mineral supplement I've ever had in my office.  The minerals are extracted from kelp, a plant!   This also contains a small amount of soluble iodine.  Iodine deficiency happens to be the greatest deficiency in the world.  Iodine is needed by every cell in the body. In particular, iodine is necessary to maintain the proper architecture of the endocrine organs (thyroid, ovaries, uterus, breast, prostate and pancreas).  Sufficient iodine will maintain the normal architecture of those glands which means we can decrease the chances of developing cysts or nodules or pre-cancerous cells or cancer. The first indicator of an iodine deficiency, is the formation of cysts. If the iodine deficiency continues, the cysts become hard and nodular, then the tissue takes on a hyperplastic appearance which is the precursor to cancer.  Both animal and human studies have shown that supplying iodine not only halts this progression (normal-> cysts->nodular-> pre cancer->cancer) but reverses it.  Both iodine and vitamin C have been shown to have apoptotic properties (destroys cancer cells). And neither are stored in the body so daily replenishment is important... or critical. The most common cystic disease that has been studied in glandular tissue is fibrocystic breasts. These studies, dating back 80 years, show the most important nutrient to reverse this condition is iodine. That is, once iodine is administered, the breast tissue reverts back to its normal healthy architecture without the cysts. 50 years ago 3% of women had fibrocystic breasts.  Today over 80% do, likely reflecting the absence of iodine in the diet  This remedy is best, added to water and drunk through the entire day because of the water soluble minerals that are in it. If taken all at once, the body will eliminate what it can’t use at the moment.  So dosing during the day (instead of all at once under the tongue) improves the retention and utilization of the water soluble minerals.
One drop~800mcgs iodine.  One dropperful~20 drops~16mg iodine.  Dr Brownstein recommends a maintenance dose of 25 mg/day taken with added salt to flush out and replace toxic fluoride and bromide.

Raw Science Vitamin D3 Liquid (alcohol free)

Often people report having low vitamin D levels on their blood test, even though they are taking high levels of a vitamin D supplement that their doctors have recommended.   Likely the discrepancy comes from the fact that (a) their digestion/absorption is compromised, and also (b) vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and needs to be emulsified by the bile from a well functioning liver. These people may have liver congestion or a diagnosis of fatty liver. To circumvent this digestive issue, a sublingual vitamin D may be helpful.
Vitamin D is not only recognized for its crucial role in promoting bone health, but also in regulating the immune system, reducing the risk of infectious and chronic diseases, such as cancer, facilitating normal brain function, and central and peripheral nervous system function, blood clotting and blood cell formation, cardiac activity and optimal muscle strength. Vitamin D regulates calcium absorption and metabolism for bone health and promotes the deposition of calcium in the bones.
There are certain medications which can cause a vitamin D deficiency, as well as liberal application of sunscreen.

Essiac Tea USDA Organic Daily Drops (alcohol free)

Essiac is a formula revered for inhibiting tumor growth and treating cancer. It is actually an herbal remedy brought to us by the Ojibwa Indians.  It contains four common herbs (burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and turkey rhubarb), combined to help clear stagnation in the lymphatic system.  Individually the herbs are traditionally known as blood purifiers, wound healers and digestive aids. This formula has been used extensively with all types of cancer, as well as AIDS, chronic acne, diabetes, inflammatory skin conditions, leukemia, liver problems, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disorders, stomach ulcers, viruses, and numerous degenerative diseases.  It is also helpful for swollen lymph nodes, boils, abscesses, kidney gravel and jaundice.  Note: If kidney or liver problems are present, it is important to address these with remedies like the Cleanse Drops or Uric Acid Cleanse before starting Essiac.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Gaia Herbs Plant Force Liquid Iron (alcohol free)

Anemia is the most common blood condition in the US. About 1/3 of American women have virtually no iron stores. Clinically anemia can show on blood tests as low hematocrit, hemoglobin, or RBCs.   Some symptoms that indicate anemia are pale skin, brittle nails, shortness of breath, chronic cough, headaches, especially during menses, heart palpitations, restless leg syndrome, depression, cold hands and feet, frequent infections, poor appetite, cravings for ice, difficulty thinking, and focusing, and muscle weakness.  This remedy contains beets and herbs like black elderberry, sea buckthorn fruit, parsley, dandelion leaves, yellow dock root, fennel seed, stinging nettle leaf with ferrous gluconate added. All these herbs help build the blood. Studies have shown that liquid form of ferrous gluconate is better absorbed than the tablet form of ferrous sulfate, which is often prescribed by the doctor.  Refrigerate this supplement after opening and make sure to shake well before dispensing. This remedy is best diluted and drunk throughout the day through a straw (to avoid staining the teeth) instead of placing under the tongue.  Taking this as I directed, will not cause the G.I. upset normally caused by iron.

Mucus-Clear Homeopathic

Mucus-Clear is a homeopathic remedy that acts to reduce phlegm, mucus, and throat congestion.  Unlike an herbal remedy, effective homeopathic remedy dosing is a function of the frequency of the dose rather than the quantity of a dose. For example, taking a whole dropper full once a day, may not have as good an effect as taking a third of a dropper full three times in a day.

Dirobi Pounds and Inches (alcohol free)

Pounds and Inches is a combination of chromium, amino acids and herbs that help balance blood sugar. Although it is promoted as a weight loss supplement, I have found it very useful in reversing an upwards creeping A1C.   It seems to help with sugar cravings and diabetic symptoms in pre-diabetics.  People have also reported to me that it is helpful in lowering their insulin needs.  A person who is on insulin should monitor their blood glucose closely if taking this supplement.

New Chapter Fermented Activated C Complex

This formula has been updated and is now called Immune Defense Vitamin C with Elderberry


Pau D’arco is a South American rain forest herb used to treat fungal conditions. Native tribes report a tea made by boiling the bark in water can cure tumors. Its other uses include increasing urine flow, reducing fevers in malaria, and treating dysentery, rheumatism and ulcers. Natives also use it to treat a variety of skin diseases, including eczema, fungal infections, skin cancers, psoriasis, and hemorrhoids.
Medical doctors in Brazil recommend it for its antifungal properties against ringworm, systemic candida, and other intestinal parasite infestations. It is also used by Brazilian physicians in the treatment of cancer.
Scientific research shows Pau D'arco is strongly anti-inflammatory, helps relieve the pain of arthritis, cystitis, and prostatitis. It has shown to be helpful against viral infections and is widely used as an antioxidant and preventative treatment for cancer.
Note: This remedy is in alcohol so the best way to take it is to put your total daily dosage in a small glass and pour a little boiling water in the glass to evaporate some of the alcohol.  Then divide the dosage according to your yellow sheet.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Hu Zhang  (Japanese knotweed)
(Note: I had to re-source this since Secrets of the Tribe is no longer making this alcohol tincture.  Click the name above to find the new source.)
Japanese knotweed (Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati) is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote blood circulation, to “clear heat“ (reduce inflammation) and also to “expel dampness“ (reduce swellings) associated with spleen dysfunction. This addresses various conditions such as coughs, phlegm, hepatitis, amenorrhea and joint stiffness.  This herb is one in the repertoire of medical doctors who are using herbs to address chronic recurring infections.
Researchers have concluded that Japanese knotweed is helpful to treat people with Lyme disease as well as some of the co-infections like Babesia and Bartonella.  Japanese knotweed, which contains a high amount of Resveratrol, significantly reduced markers of inflammation like C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor (RF).  It decreased triglycerides and increased overall antioxidant levels.
Many studies have been done which have shown that it improved cognitive function by decreasing oxidative stress thereby benefiting memory and overall brain health; restored the integrity of the blood brain barrier; improved neuromuscular coordination, sensory motor ability, learning and memory; exhibited potent antiviral and anti-influenza activity; reduced dry eyes, and decreased inflammation. A promising animal study found that Japanese knotweed can reduce tumor volume by 42%, reduce tumor weight by 44%, and reduce metastasis to the lungs by 56%.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Dan Shen (Herb Era ) Red Sage (Salvia Miltiorrhiza) is a TCM herb for blood stagnation, heart repair, blood clotting disorders (thickened blood), auto immune disorders and cancers.  It is considered the top cardiac herb in TCM.  It repairs heart and vascular tissue damage and thus, it improves blood circulation throughout the body especially the chest and helps resolve many heart symptoms.  Because of its positive effects on circulation, it has the effect of lowering blood pressure.  It is often added to other herbs to help them get to the far reaches of the circulation.  It is considered a kidney tonic and kidney protective.   Like many herbs it also has antimicrobial properties.  Alcohol free tincture.  Use as directed in my office.

Turkey Tail Dual Extract (Forage Hyperfoods Alcohol free
Turkey Tail is the most scientifically studied mushroom being considered the ultimate defender. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believed this mushroom could replenish 'essence,' an energy or life force they thought was stored in the kidneys, as well a 'universal life force' they dubbed 'qi.'   It was also believed to clear a pattern of symptoms associated with inflammation, known in TCM as 'heat.'   Turkey Tail was commonly used to reduce fatigue, boost stamina, relieve joint pain, balance blood sugar, relieve coughs and asthma and improve problems believed to be associated with spleen dysfunction—such as bloating vomiting, weakness and diarrhea.  Its association with spleen health may be one of the reasons why Turkey Tail was also considered to have beneficial effects on immune function.  TCM practitioners still use Turkey Tail mushroom to treat hepatitis, liver scarring, kidney inflammation (nephritis) and chronic fatigue syndrome.  Like other mushrooms, it reduces nerve inflammation and stimulates nerve growth.
Purified hot water extracts are used in combination with regular cancer treatments in Japan and
may aid in combatting the unpleasant side effects of both chemotherapy and radiation, improving the quality of life.
Turkey tail seems to support an immune system that is beat down by medications, and/or deficient due to poor diet, and/or insufficient due to chronic infection and inflammation. Infections may be viral, bacterial or parasitic. This may show up in bloodwork as a low white blood cell count (WBC<5000) with elevated lymphocytes (>40) and/or neutrophils(>60) and/or monocytes (>6).Use as directed in my office.

ACEWORKZ Mushroom Nootropic Brain Supplement
Contains Lions Mane, Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Chaga, Turkey Tail Cordyceps and others. - 10 Mushroom Complex - for Memory & Focus - Immune Booster - Natural Energy & Stress Relief
Generally mushrooms are easy to digest and absorb.  They also reduce nerve inflammation and stimulate nerve repair.

Black Cumin Seed extract (Hawaii Pharm) (Nigella Sativa)
This formula is not the oil from the seed but rather an extract which contains compounds not contained in the popular black seed oil, which has its own uses.    Randomized controlled trials show that this herb has activity in improving many conditions including asthma, allergies, hypothyroidism, abnormal blood glucose and lipids, hypertension, body weight, H pylori infection, kidney stone dissolution, respiratory damage, chemotherapy side effects, mood, memory, and anxiety.  Alcohol free tincture.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Super Liver Support
Natural Liver Cleanse, Detox & Repair Aid.   Doctor-Formulated Liver Tincture
Contains herbs that have been extracted and concentrated to detox, cleanse, and repair the liver, including Milk Thistle seed, Yellow Dock root, Turmeric, Dandelion root, Berberine, Chicory, and Ginger root. Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Plant Therapy Brain Aid Essential Oil Blend Therapeutic Grade 10 mL
Brain Aid is a combination of essential oils from Grapefruit Pink, Bergamot, Palmarosa, Juniper Berry, Basil Linalool, Peppermint, Lemon, Rosemary, May Chang and Star Anise diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil. This comes in a roller bottle.   Use as directed in my office.

Nutra Harmony Organic Lymphatic Support Drops - Lymph Decongestant Supplement. Contains Elderberry, Dandelion, Echinacea, Rose Hips, Blue Vervain, Burdock, Calendula & Cleavers. Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Rugby Transdermal Nicotine Patches (clear)  21mg/patch - 14 Count
or   Habitrol Nicotine Lozenge Mint Flavor 216 Lozenges (2mg each) Build up to your dosage.  Allow these to dissolve slowly under the tongue.  Do not chew.
Nicotine is non-addictive and has many health applications (other substances were added to tobacco products to promote addiction).  It is a nerve and brain tonic and is anti-inflammatory. Nicotine increases dopamine in the brain. It increases metabolism, enhances focus, cognitive performance, alertness, motivation, and feelings of well-being. It reduces hunger and depression. Nicotine is neuroprotective.  Note: Besides the tobacco plant, nicotine (a natural substance) is also found in other nightshades like eggplant, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes.
Research studies proved that nicotine itself was not addictive, and showed its benefits for memory and cognition, Parkinson’s disease, the effects of sleep deprivation, schizophrenia, cognitive deficits, autism, Multiple Sclerosis, and nerve inflammation.  It has been shown to reverse brain tumors.  It also has reversed myocarditis in 14 days.  Since nicotine binds to the same receptor site as many viruses, it has been shown to reverse and prevent viral infections including HIV and rabies.  Typically the means of dosage in these studies was via a nicotine patch.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, French researchers found that those who consumed tobacco had a greatly reduced incidence of Covid symptoms compared with the general population. Another French study recommended nicotine as a protective agent because it binds to the same receptor sites as the virus and thus would compete with and protect from the spike protein. Subsequent studies showed nicotine patches of 7 mg quickly reduced symptoms of long Covid.  These symptoms included chronic fatigue, dizziness, inability to take a deep breath, low-grade fever, loss of taste and smell, memory lapses, muscle pain and weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, concentration difficulties, sleep difficulties, mood disorders, headache, chest tightness and pain, heart palpitations, cognitive impairment, motor deficits, exercise intolerance, new onset of diabetes, and new onset of hypertension. This study. concluded (January 2023) “..treating several individuals suffering from post COVID-19 syndrome with a nicotine patch application, we witnessed improvements, ranging from substantial to complete remission in a matter of days.”
Another study showed that nicotine reverses the damage introduced by the vaccine.
Use patch or lozenge dosage as directed in my office. Lozenge may be taken up to bedtime and helps some people with sleep!

Miscellaneous - Part 2    (Click the name to find on Amazon)

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) contains bitter substances and essential oils, and is used for its antifungal, neuroprotective, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antimalarial, antidepressant, and hepatoprotective properties.  Wormwood has long been sought for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties and has been used to treat intestinal worms as far back as Ancient Egypt. This herb is one in the repertoire of medical doctors who are using herbs to address chronic recurring infections.   Studies suggest that Wormwood may help relieve Crohn’s disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract. Its symptoms may include diarrhea, fatigue, abdominal cramps, and other digestive issues.
This formula is an alcohol extract of the fresh leaves. Follow directions in the intro for taking alcohol extracts. Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Gaviola or Soursop (Annona Muricata) is a small evergreen tree that contains compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiparasitic properties. The results of a 2008 rodent study suggest Gaviola may help people regulate their blood sugar if they have diabetes. The research found that it significantly reduced blood glucose levels in rats with diabetes.
According to a 2014 study on rodents, Gaviola showed antiulcer activity. It also helps protect the stomach’s mucous lining and prevents free radical damage to the digestive tract. There is some evidence that Gaviola may help against some types of cancer. According to 2016 research, Gaviola extract was toxic against some breast cancer cells. It also increased T cells, which are lymphocytes in the body that kill cancer cells, and other damaged cells. Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Myrrh (Commiphora Myrrha) Glycerite
Myrrh is an ancient herb that is an aromatic resin in the same family as frankincense and the same genus as guggul.  Myrrh was so valuable in ancient times that it was said to be equal to its weight in gold. It has been used as a perfume, incense, and medicine. It was used in Egypt to embalm mummies and remains well-known for preventing decay of teeth, wounds, and chronic skin conditions.   It was used for respiratory infections, digestive complaints, wound healing, and parasitic infections.   Myrrh has been found to be more effective as an antioxidant than vitamin E. Myrrh can also fight two common parasitic infections: trichomoniasis (a sexually transmitted disease), and giardiasis, an intestinal infection.   It was uniquely considered for parasites that go deeper into the body than the intestines, such as in the case of liver flukes.
In traditional western herbalism, it has been used for mouth ulcers, and any inflammation in the mouth, throat, sinuses, gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive tract. It has been used topically for damaged gums, skin abrasions, and ulcers.  In traditional Chinese medicine, Myrrh (Mo Yao) was used for invigorating the blood, dispersing congealed blood, reducing swelling, and alleviating pain.  It was applied to sores and boils. In Ayurvedic medicine, it was used for many of the same ailments. Like other aromatic resins, it may have a dissolving action on biofilms.   Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Yu Xing Cao (Houttuynia cordata, chameleon plant, fish mint)
In traditional Chinese medicine, Yu Xing Cao clears toxic heat.
This is a helpful plant for all allergic and inflammatory conditions, especially in the respiratory tract (asthma, COPD) and urinary tract.    It is moistening for a dry cough, a smokers cough or coughs that linger after a cold, and allows irritants to be expectorated ('clears heat').  It promotes urination and clears bladder heat (infection & inflammation).  This herb is one in the repertoire of medical doctors who are using herbs to address chronic recurring infections. It has immune modulating effects, which means it can cool an overreaction by your immune system to an antigen making it useful for auto-immune conditions.  Some herbalists feel that it acts like a mast cell inhibitor. This herb is antimicrobial and is used in protocols for Lyme and other chronic infections. The extract can also be used topically. Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Sage Essential Oil 1/3 Fl Oz (Salvia officinalis) Therapeutic Grade
Sage is an aromatic plant who is essential oil has been known to help with skin irritation and rashes, hair growth, stress, relief, and insomnia. It helps lower the stress hormone cortisol and induces feelings of confidence. Sage is antimicrobial and antiseptic.  Use as directed in my office.

Umcka Cold+Flu Relief Chewable Tablets
Homeopathic preparation that shortens duration and reduces severity of many cold-like symptoms. Phenylephrine Free, Non-Drowsy, Berry Flavored

Taste N'Score Liquid Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that is deficient in most Americans and using a liquid form facilitates getting the appropriate dosage in an absorbable ionic form (MgCl).

Dr. Mercola Organic Zinc Liquid Drops
Zinc is an important mineral for immune and organ health. The liquid form allows precise dosing in an absorbable form.  Too much zinc (or any mineral) can imbalance the body's mineral balance.

Lemon Balm Liquid Extract - 1 Ounce
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the mint family. Ancient uses were to combat confusion, improve memory, vision and lifespan, to reduce fever, melancholy and congestion. An ancient Greek physician used the herb for its anti-infection and soothing properties. Paraclesus called it the 'elixir of life'.
It is useful for improving sleep, memory and cognition, addressing irritability, anxiety and depression. Lemon Balm is effective at taming racing thoughts and some even use it as an effective way to calm irritable bowel syndrome. It is often used today to treat headaches, insomnia, indigestion, hyperthyroid and hypertension. The most recent research points out that Lemon Balm has remarkable healing, and regenerative effects on the brain, showing that it stimulates memory. It contains antioxidants 5X more potent than vitamin E thereby reducing free radical damage to brain and nerve cells.
Lemon Balm has been shown to improve problem-solving and memory in both human and animal models and age made no difference. All groups using Lemon Balm showed a boost in recall and problems solving.  May also be helpful for chronic infections.
The majority of these actions suggest that Lemon Balm's action is on the nerve and brain tissue.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Triquetra Ionic Iron
This liquid form of Ferrous Sulfate allows a proper dosing of an important mineral that many people cannot take in a tablet form due to stomach discomfort.  Too much of any mineral can imbalance the body's mineral balance.

Greenbush Natural Green Tea Extract  Alcohol free
Green Tea Extract contains polyphenols that have been shown effective against bacteria and cancer. Several studies show that green tea drinkers have a lower risk of G.I. cancers, along with significantly reduced risk of esophageal and stomach cancers. Other studies showed its protective effects against the development of bladder, lung and pancreatic cancers.
Green tea has been shown to prevent abnormal blood clotting, reduce high blood pressure, lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increase HDL cholesterol. It may also offer protection against liver disorders.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Rhodiola rosea
In Chinese medicine Rhodiola is used for healthy aging, endocrine support (balances the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, gonadal axis), cardiovascular health, and immune stimulation.  It is an adaptogen which helps with stress, depression and anxiety and is often used for chronic fatigue.  It balances the neurotransmitters and hormones like serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins and cortisol levels and has been found helpful for sleep.
Rhodiola also has a beneficial effect on the brain (nootropic).  In addition to the neurotransmitter balancing, it has also been shown to be helpful for cognitive function, attention, memory, focus, and mental performance. Studies have shown that it is not only neuroprotective, but stimulates the growth of neurons.  Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Oregano Oil Extract Herbal Blend for Immune Support
Organic oregano in extra virgin olive oil.
Oregano has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  Oil of oregano was traditionally used to treat digestive problems like indigestion, diarrhea, and upset stomach.  Oregano has also long been used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory conditions, including asthma, cough, and bronchitis.  This herb is one in the repertoire of medical doctors who are using herbs to address chronic recurring infections.
One 2021 study found oregano oil showed significant anti-bacterial activity against 11 types of bacteria that are resistant to multiple antibiotics.
Carvacrol, one of the main components in oregano, has been shown to possess antiviral properties. This enables oregano oil to delay viral disease progression and improve resistance to infections.  Typical dosage is 3-4 drops of this strong extract in about 2 teaspoons of olive oil.    Note: Please dose this herb before 5PM due to its potentially stimulating effect.

Peppermint Leaf Extract
Peppermint extracted in glycerine.  Helpful for abdominal pain and upset, and for gall bladder related issues.  Use as directed in my office.

Herbalogic Quiet Mind Liquid Herb Drops - non-sedating, promotes a feeling of zen-like calm - eases worry and panicky mood, quiets racing thoughts. Based on the traditional Chinese formula GUI Pi Tang
Promotes balanced mood when feeling nervousness or worry, for non-drowsy daytime relaxation at work or school, allowing you to stay focused while calming disruptive thoughts. Contains Eleuthero, Astragalus, Chinese angelica, Bai-zhu atractylodes, Poria, Jujube (seed & fruit), Longan, Polygala, Reishi, Licorice root honey-fried, Nutgrass, and Schisandra.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom Extract    Alcohol free.
A very important mushroom extract for damaged nerve repair having all the benefits seen with the capsule above.   Nerves are often damaged by pharmaceuticals, trauma and infections.  If chronic infections are the cause, it is also important to reduce their populations so nerve healing can go forward.  This extract may be better absorbed than the capsule for some people.  840 mg/dropperful.  Can also be used topically.

Mindful Fungi Cordyceps & Lion's Mane Tincture
This combo mushroom extract has the benefits of Lion's Mane (described above) and Cordyceps mushrooms.  Cordyceps is a very therapeutically active medicinal mushroom used in Chinese medicine.  It is used as a kidney tonic to combat fatigue, enhance vitality and promote longevity.  It is often recommended for the treatment of debility following an illness, fatigue, kidney disease, and upper respiratory tract disorders.  It is used in China today for treating bronchial inflammation, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, and tuberculosis. Researchers have found it has an ability to relax the bronchial airways.
Its reputation as a kidney tonic has been confirmed by research that shows it significantly promotes DNA synthesis in kidney cells, which is indicative of increased regeneration of damaged cells.  A study of 51 patients with chronic kidney failure showed that those receiving 3 to 5 g of Cordyceps daily experienced significant improvement in kidney function.  Other studies confirmed its kidney protective function when an antibiotic, known to damage kidneys, was given to patients. The group receiving Cordyceps showed fewer signs of kidney toxicity.
In Chinese hospitals, Cordyceps is used for the treatment of arrhythmia.  Studies have also shown that it lowers cholesterol and increases HDL without any side effects.

Doctors Best CoQ10 with BioPerine 
People who take bioavailable CoQ10 often report a boost in energy, less muscle aches and joint pain, improved sleep and fewer heart symptoms. Clinical trials showed patients with chronic heart failure on CoQ10 had reduced major adverse, cardiovascular events. Another study showed that migraine frequency, severity and duration were significantly reduced taking CoQ10 as compared to a placebo.  This may be helpful if you suspect your O2 levels drop frequently at night, if you find yourself yawning often, or if you are taking cholesterol drugs.

Oregano Herbal Salve
This Oregano salve is a soothing multi purpose balm often useful for Athletes Foot, Jock Itch, nail issues, skin rashes and irritations.  The ointment contains black cumin oil, olive oil, vitamin E, and extracts of calendula, chamomile, red clover, propolis, and essential oils of oregano, tea tree, frankincense, and peppermint.  Use as directed in my office.

Super Collagen Powder
Protein blend with Types l, ll, lll, V & X collagen for tissue rebuilding.
Collagen is necessary for the formation of connective tissue - skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, hair, and nails. Collagen is made of peptides. It is derived from pigs, cows, marine animals, fish and egg membranes. The main uses are for joint pain, inflammatory conditions, skin, bone tissue repair, and cardiovascular (helps fortify cardiovascular tissues like the arteries in the veins).
Type I is helpful for the dermis, tendons, ligaments, and bone
Type II cartilage, vitreous body (which is basically the eyeball), and the spinal disc cushion
Type III skin, blood vessel walls, reticular fibers (matrix that hold things together)
Type IV For basal lamina, and epithelial layer
Type V Lung, cornea of the eye, hair, fetal membrane, bones
Type X is known to help with bone health overall
Also contains other rebuilding nutrients including Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, and Biotin.

Stamets 7 Extract (Host Defense)- 7 Species Blend - Mushroom Supplement for Immune Support with Royal Sun Blazei, Cordyceps, Reishi, Maitake, Lion's Mane, Chaga & Mesima.  These mushroom mycelia are helpful to balance out toxic mold in the body.  Use as directed in my office.

Probiotic Bath Cleaner This cleaner contains several beneficial bacillus species of bacteria, as well as saccharomyces that act to compete with toxic mold and other harmful bacteria.   This can be applied to areas where molds have a tendency to form, including HVAC filters and vents to inhibit mold growth.

Miscellaneous - Part 3    (Click the name to find on Amazon)

Candida Balance (Mycozil)
Formulated with herbs, enzymes and probiotics to address Candida and other internal fungal colonizations. Ingredients include Pau DArco, Licorice Root, Anise Seed, Beta Glucanase, Hemicellulase, and Brevibacillus Laterosporus. (120 Capsules)

Dr Greenic Liver & Gut Health
Enzyme All 1400MG Supplement with TUDCA, Ox Bile & 12 Digestive Enzymes for Advanced Liver Health, Detox, Gallbladder Cleanse and Optimal Digestion | 60 Capsules

Kidney Strength
Plant-Based Kidney Support Supplement made with organic Blue Vervain, organic Buchu, organic Corn silk, organic Cleavers aerials, organic Marshmallow root, organic Parsley leaf, and organic Shepherd's Purse aerials.  Use as directed in my office.

Potassium Magnesium Supplement
High Absorption Magnesium Complex – 90 Vegan Capsules - Magnesium and Potassium Supplement for vascular health, for leg cramps and sleep.  This supplement contains both quick and slow release forms of magnesium and potassium to aid In the release of acids from the body that tend to make us stiff.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Powder (1 lb)
Turkey Tail (Trametes (Coriolis) versicolor, Yun Zhi) is the mushroom highest in beta glucans and focus of most research, esp for cancer. Studied for stomach cancer, colorectal, esophageal, and breast cancer. Research shows that turkey tail greatly increases the survival rate after chemotherapy treatment for cancer (as do most mushrooms).  Place about a teaspoon of the powder in a small Mason jar or coffee cup and add about a cup of boiling water (Mushrooms must be cooked.). Stir and allow to sit for a few minutes.  Then it can be sweetened and drunk as a tea or added to other liquids.

Black (Cumin) Seed Ultimate
Whole Spectrum Black Seed Ultimate, Vegetarian Capsules - Combination of Black Cumin Seeds with Olive Leaf Extract, Garlic, Ginger, and Cayenne. Gluten Free, Non GMO, Vegan - 100 Count
This formula may be helpful in cases of chronic infection where biofilms have formed within the body.

Myrrh Essential Oil
Use as directed.

Good Night Essential Oil
Use as directed.

Respir Air Essential Oil
Use as directed.

** Important Warning **

Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. 

Health Parameters Research

Non-herbal interventions

Far Infrared Heating Pad - Penetrating Heat

Use only as directed at our visit.

Percussion Massager - with a cord

Use only as directed at our visit.

Percussion Massager - cordless rechargeable

Use only as directed at our visit.

Percussion + Vibration Dual Motor Massager

This is the massager that I demonstrated in my office. Use only as directed at our visit.

Wellue O2 Ring Oxygen Monitor Rechargeable,

Records your oxygen levels, heart rate and motion while you sleep without blue tooth. You can then download this data to your phone or desktop and see an analysis of, for example, how much time you were at different O2 levels. You can also get an idea if you stop breathing. Website gives helpful info too.   Use only as directed at our visit.

Greetmed Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor
A rechargeable blood pressure cuff for home use with adjustable cuff.
An important tool to monitor your blood pressure with whatever symptoms are occurring to see if they are related to your blood pressure.   Also helpful to use to determine food allergies as I described in my office.

Sanare Lab Phenbendazole 222 mg 90 ct
This is a non-herbal supplement that many people have found helpful to put into remission a serious intractable diagnosis for which medical treatment has either failed or offered no other treatment options that guarantee success or survival. Use only as directed at our visit.

Acoustic Therapy
This device is a safe and gentle way to activate the tissues of the body with sound waves. Use only as directed at our visit.


Levoit Air Purifier

Use only as directed at our visit.